TheUprising--readme, Gry, Heroes 3 - maps, Maps, Maps

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HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC III: SHADOW OF DEATH MAPDate: March 25, 2002Map Name: The Uprising (Uprising.h3m)Map Maker: Hans C.E-mail: Leddux@aol.comVERY IMPORTANT!!! You can always try to contact me for any reasonusing the e-mail above. However, if for some reasons the e-mailgets bounced back or you don't get answer within reasonable time,please write to Charles Cone at He will be happyto answer your e-mail. [Thanks in advance Charles!]Map Size: 2 Layers, Extra LargeMap Type: 4 HC (Rampart, Dungeon, Castle, Fortress/Stronghold) 4 C, no allianceLanguage: EnglishDescription: An evil spirit has bewitched the King and the kingdom soon follows apath to destruction. Discontented rulers, outraged loyal generals,and restless population rise to challenge the despotic king. Whowill be victorious and emerge as the new King?Special Victory/Loses: NoneDifficulty: Impossible (or depending on the start-up difficulty setting)Playtesters: Charles Cone ( Wulff ( Barnas ( Tichy ( ( Adena (Adena@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE)Narrative: Read "Introduction"Special Note: - The [basic] storyline is loosely based on the classic Chinese novel"Creation of the Gods." (unknown author)- Some of the name for heroes and towns are "borrowed" from variousJapanese animation (yes, I am an anime #1 fan).Note: #1: There's essentially no main player. You can try to play the gamewith different color to appreciate the distinct style of each townand its starting hero(es).#2: This map has an Impossible difficulty rating. The longer you waitthe more powerful the AI's become. However, seasoned players arerecommended to play this map on Impossible to test their skill.The Impossible rating has been carefully tested for all fourplayable colors.#3: This map has not been tested for multiplayer game althougheverything has been balanced out carefully: Player 1 and 3 areroughly equal and so are Player 2 and 4.#4: Please e-mail me if you have any questions or feedbacks (goodor bad). Also please play the other map and campaign that I havecreated: ETERNAL LOVE (AB campaign and RoE map) and THE LONE KNIGHT(SoD map).IMPORTANT!! #1: Be sure to know all the available artifact combinations and theircomponents. ALL of combo artifacts are available in this map, eitherby trading, acquiring them from the AI's and/or assemblingfrom pieces. Furthermore, because there's a limit to the number ofartifacts that the main hero can hold in his/her backpack, it's highlyadvisable to keep some of the artifacts in other heroes' backpacks.DO NOT sell or sacrifice any artifacts you think you may need.CRITICAL ARTIFACTS: ORBS OF VULNERABILITY. There are three orbs andALL THREE are needed to advance ahead in the game. DO NOT LOSE THEM!#2: Certain border gate and Seer's Huts can only be accessed by themain hero(es) of each color, therefore, it's highly advisable to playusing the given main hero for each playable color.#3: If you are unhappy with the set up of your new game and intendto re-start the game, IT IS HIGHLY ADVISABLE to restart the gamefrom the main screen and NOT using the (auto) restart option.Known Bugs andProblems: 1. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Due to the glitch in the game and map design,players may experience heroes shortage in the tavern, that is, theirstarting hero-type pool has been exhausted. This may cause a clone toappear in the tavern. Hiring this clone may cause the game to crash.The worst news is if you happen to have this hero as a garrison hero,his or her armies (if any) will vanish and be replaced by his or herstarting armies. To prevent this from happening, make sure to checkthat everything's okay at the start of a new week.There is also an instance where the AI hires a hero that belongs toyou. Just like stated above, his or her armies (if any) will vanishand be replaced by the AI's armies (if any). The good news is if theAI gives this particular hero strong armies, you can just drag thishero and you will get to keep his or her armies and the clone on theAI's side will vanish. The bad news is if this hero originally hasyour big armies -- they will all vanish.This glitch only happens to NEW heroes for hire in the tavern andwill NOT happen to your (8) active heroes.I could have prevented this glitch entirely, however, I need to limitthe number of hirable heroes for each color to make it much easierin the later stage of the game to find some of the defeated heroes.2. Another strange glitch: you may find yourself facing a herocarrying different color than the castle s/he's defending. There'sabsolutely no harm in this.3. MAJOR GLITCH!!! Any heroes that get defeated by the AI's will NOTlose the artifacts s/he carries to the winner. This will make itimpossible to obtain some artifacts from certain heroes if s/he'sdefeated by the AI's already. There's no harm in this and fastplayers should consider obtaining the artifacts from these heroesbefore s/he gets defeated as a bonus!4. The artifact ARMOR OF THE DAMNED and ANGELIC ALLIANCE can castspells inside Anti-magic garrison. This will make certain anti-magicgarrisons a cakewalk. Consider this as a bonus!Fair players should try to avoid equipping the two when attackinganti-magic garrison.There is also an instance where both artifacts will override the effectof Orb of Inhibition.5. VERY IMPORTANT!!! Although it is impossible unless playersaccidentally give up the artifact ANGELIC ALLIANCE to the AI's, thegame will crash when the AI's equip the Angelic Alliance artifact.A severe bug that is not been fixed yet.6. MAJOR GLITCH!!! You can easily cheat when trading your artifactsat the Artifact Merchant. So easily that not cheating is a whole lotharder. However, there's only ONE town capable of building an ArtifactMerchant in the game. Which one? You have to find out yourself.7. MINOR GLITCH!!! It sometimes happens that the Conflux towns:Enshasa, Enshese, Enshisi, Enshoso, will not build the structuresas given in the timed-events the first time the timed-events takeplace. Therefore, an extra timed-event has been assigned to ensurethe buildings of the structures to take place for human players.Do not be surprised if you see repeated timed-events that maysound redundant.8. IMPORTANT!!! This bug's concerning the hero BLUE LEPER that cansometimes makes the game locked up and/or crash.I have no idea how it happens, but it's highly recommended to saveyour game before you attempt to free/attack this hero.Follow the event in the game that will give you a detailed instructionon the ideal way to free the hero and the game should run just fine.In essence, sending your secondary hero to free Blue Leper and haveyour main hero stand guard to attack her immediately upon her jumpingto the teleporter will make sure the hero stays dead quickly.You can find an example how to trap the hero Blue Leper in the spoilersection. It can be used if the game keeps crashing.9. This is documented in the manual. There can only be up to 64 boatsat one time. If you can't build any more boat, you must first scuttlesome boats.ARTIFACTS: 1. NEVER EVER LOSE ALL THREE OF THE ORBS OF VULNERABILITY! Losing asingle one will render you unable to finish the game.2. Most of the combo artifacts come assembled and you won't need theirsingle components most of the time.3. KEY ARTIFACTS:- Bird of Perception: You will need a total of EIGHT.These figurines are so important you will not want to lose any singleof them.- Stoic Watchman: There are only TWO in the game with one fully hidden.- Wizard's Well: Come assembled, the components are junk artifacts.There's no Charm of Mana to be found in the game.- Ring of the Magi: Come complete, the components are useless.There's no Collar of Conjuring to be found in the game.- Elixir of Life: You can obtain one fully assembled or assemble themyourself.- Bow of the Sharpshooters: You will need to assemble this onethe first time around and/or win complete from the AI's bosses.One is needed to open a critical quest gate.- Statue of Legion: Come assembled although you can surely make one.- Angelic Alliance: You will need to assemble this sword yourself.You can make up to 2 Angelic Alliances. One is needed for Seer's quest.- Titan's Thunder: You can assemble or win it.It's needed to open optional quest gates as well as a Seer's quest.- Power of the Dragon Father: You have to assemble this yourself.You can make up to two Powers of the Dragon Father and two are neededfor as quest artifacts... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
