The Passionate Prisoners, 03 Single white vampire, 300 Complete Erotic Novels

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V-1134 The Passionate Prisoners by Will Henry
Table of Contents
Introduction by the Author
Chapter 1 The Bondage Fan
Chapter 2 The Varieties of Bondage
Chapter 3 Bondage and Spanking
Chapter 4 Marital Bondage
Chapter 5 Bondage Threesomes
Introduction by the Author
"My husband and I often employ bondage as a form of foreplay, and we have found that it invariably
makes the sex that follows all the more exciting!"
The above comment by an attractive young housewife in the under-thirty age group illustrates the
growing acceptance of erotic bondage in the era of the sexual revolution. For many years, a relatively
small number of sexual sophisticates has understood the erotic implications of bondage. However, it has
been only in recent years that bondage has achieved widespread appeal among the sexually
knowledgeable. What accounts for this change of attitude? In the author's opinion, there are a number of
reasons why bondage has achieved its current popularity.
In the first place, we are living, as I mentioned before, in the era of the sexual revolution. Thus, today,
the average person has a much greater knowledge of the highways and byways of human sexuality. Not
surprisingly, this increased knowledge has been accompanied by a greater desire to experiment with the
so-called offbeat or "kinky" varieties of sex. As a result, many modern couples both married and
unmarried have experimented with bondage. As might be expected, some have discarded it; but others
have become bondage enthusiasts. Such bondage fans often build up extensive collections of pillories,
leather straps, discipline helmets, and numerous other paraphernalia associated with erotic bondage.
There are various reasons why bondage has such a grip on its followers. At the level of purely
conscious experience, we must recognize that bondage has great esthetic appeal. Erotic and often exotic
clothing is an essential item at nearly all bondage sessions. Thus, the feminine victim may wear black
brassiere, panties, and garter belt together with sheer black nylon stockings and spike-heeled shoes or
exotic boots. She may wear long, black kid gloves or other items made of leather or rubber, and will
sometimes even wear a complete outfit made of such items. In the reverse situation, where the female
plays the role of the aggressor, she will be expected to dress for the role. Sleek boots, either knee or
thigh length, are quite common apparel in such situations, along with other items made of leather or
rubber. The masculine victim may be required to don tight-fitting leather or rubber items of apparel, or
he may even be required to wear feminine clothing.
Naturally, such exotic costuming has an esthetic effect, particularly when worn by the female. However,
the esthetic appeal of bondage is not restricted to the costuming commonly associated with it. For
example, white clothesline rope employed to bind nylon-clad ankles and thighs together is esthetically
appealing also, particularly when the victim is wearing black or dark nylons which make a vivid contrast
with the white rope. And there are numerous other examples of the esthetic appeal of various forms of
In addition to its esthetic appeal, bondage has connotations that strongly suggest sex at a somewhat
sublimated level. An example will serve to make this point clear. Among bondage fans, it is quite
common to employ a red rubber ball strung on a dowel stick or rope to gag a victim. The sight of an
attractive feminine victim with her mouth forced wide open by such a ball, her face straining with obvious
discomfort, produces a highly erotic effect on bondage fans. The reason becomes obvious when we
realize that the rubber ball is a phallic substitute. Thus, the gagging ceremonies are a form of symbolic
fellatio, and a highly realistic one at that. The obvious strain on the victim's face duplicates that of a
fellatrix attempting to accommodate a large penis.
Moreover, at an unconscious level, bondage is often employed to reinforce traditional concepts of the
role to be played by each sex in relation to the other. Thus, traditionally, the male is expected to be the
aggressor, while the female is expected to play the role of the submissive and yielding partner. Where a
wife or other feminine partner submits to bondage as a form of sexual foreplay, both parties are
permitted to act out their fantasies in a way that conforms with traditional role concepts.
While bondage is often thought to be the special interest of the male partner in such relationships, the
gratifications for the female should not be overlooked. This is particularly true where the female comes
from a sexually conservative or repressive home background. Women who come from such
backgrounds are often highly inhibited, particularly when it comes to practicing offbeat or "unnatural" sex
acts such as fellatio. For such women, bondage serves the function of allowing her to perform such acts
without experiencing the guilt she would otherwise feel. When tied up and "forced" to indulge in such
acts, she can rationalize that she had no free choice in the matter and therefore has no reason to feel
guilty about it.
In addition, there appears to be a growing number of modern women who enjoy bondage for quite
another reason. With the developing role of women in modern society, more and more women are
obtaining responsible and even executive jobs in the world of business. Many such women are
somewhat troubled by the dominant, unfeminine role they are expected to play in such situations and, in
their private relationships with men, they like to reassert their femininity by playing the traditional
submissive role. For such women, bondage has a strong appeal. Thus, for example, one lady executive
who supervises numerous men at work likes to spend her weekends at the rural cabin of a younger
boyfriend who subjects her to somewhat rugged bondage sessions that she finds thoroughly exhilarating.
"It makes me feel like a woman again!" she remarked in commenting about the bondage sessions.
Of course, not all women like to play the submissive role. In fact, a growing number appear to prefer
acting the dominant role in their relationships with men. In acting out sexual fantasies in situations where
the male is submissive, bondage plays a practical and almost necessary role since it eliminates masculine
physical superiority. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that there has been an increasing
interest in erotic bondage in recent years.
In this book, we intend to examine the implications of erotic bondage by the use of case histories. We
will examine bondage as practiced by married couples, singles, and groups.
San Francisco, California February 1972
Will Henry
Chapter 1 The Bondage Fan
Although bondage fans come from all walks of life and have no particular characteristics which
distinguish them as such, Dale J. can be considered a typical bondage fan. A thirty-one-year-old
 bachelor, Dale has a college degree and works as a junior executive with a large corporation
head-quartered in New York City. He has been interested in bondage since his late teens, and has an
extensive library containing most of the literature on the subject. In addition, he has a large collection of
bondage equipment which has been obtained at no little expense. The main bedroom of his Manhattan
apartment doubles as a bondage studio, and various bondage items are permanently on display along
one wall. Friends and casual acquaintances find the display quite kinky, but do not realize that most of
the items have a practical application from time to time.
For the past three years, Dale has shared his apartment with his steady girlfriend, Judy. Like many young
people, Dale and Judy are not opposed to marriage as an institution but do not consider it right for
them. Therefore, they have elected to live together without benefit of clergy, Judy is a leggy blonde in
her mid-twenties who stands five feet, eight inches in her stocking feet and has an eye-catching
37-24-36 figure. She comes from the Midwest and works as a secretary.
Prior to becoming acquainted with Dale, Judy had had no experience with bondage. In fact, she had
never even heard of it. Dale introduced her to bondage quite slowly, and to their mutual delight Judy
soon found it quite exciting to play the role of the trussed-up and completely helpless victim. After she
moved in with Dale, weekend bondage sessions beginning on Friday evening after work became a
regular practice with the two of them. During the past three years, Judy has acquired various costumes
and items of clothing designed to emphasize her role as the helpless victim.
Although no two bondage sessions are alike, a typical bondage session took place one Friday evening
after Dale had secured an important promotion at work. Before going to work that morning, he had as
usual left detailed instructions for the type of costume Judy was to be wearing when he returned that
evening. He was therefore in an expectant mood when he unlocked his door and stepped into the living
room. As he expected, the lights were on but the room was deserted. "Come on, let's don't play hide
and seek!" he called out in a pleasant voice.
It was a moment before July appeared, blushing prettily and looking rather meek and embarrassed. The
comely blonde had dressed exactly in the manner he had instructed: skin-hugging white cashmere
sweater worn over a black brassiere, brief, black leather miniskirt that barely covered her hips and
which was hemmed to end a full two inches above her tautly suspendered black nylon stockings, slave
anklet, and expensive black leather sandals with four-inch spike heels that left her slender feet steeply
Teetering a little precariously on her spike heels, Judy self-consciously presented herself for inspection.
Having been raised in a somewhat repressive atmosphere, she had never fully accommodated herself to
Dale's exotic ideas about costuming, and often found herself exquisitely embarrassed when required to
appear in front of him in such outfits. Dale whistled appreciatively as he looked her over, quickly noting
the highlights. The outline of her black brassiere was fully visible beneath her white sweater, and he
found the sight quite appealing. And although Judy self-consciously tugged at the hem of her brief leather
skirt, she could not conceal the intriguing display of black stocking tops and milk-white thighs. Her long,
full, and shapely legs were almost breath-catching in the black stockings and high-heeled sandals.
"Please, Dale!" Judy protested, blushing warmly beneath her heavy makeup. "Don't you think this outfit
is a little extreme?"
"You look great!" Dale assured her. "I'm really in the mood to put you through your paces this evening!"
Judy gulped noticeably and her knees buckled slightly. "Now, please, don't be too hard on me!" she
spoke in an unconvincing manner. "Don't you want your dinner first?"
 Dale shook his head. "No. Why don't we go out for a late dinner afterwards? I'm anxious to get started!"
"All right," Judy answered meekly, looking rather alarmed as Dale stepped toward her.
Dale gave her leather-clad bottom a familiar smack with his bare hand. "Let's go into the bedroom,
young lady!" he ordered as if he were speaking to a naughty child.
Looking reluctant and keeping her eyes demurely averted, Judy quietly accompanied him to the
bedroom. From past experience, she knew that she would be given no advance notice of what was in
store for her and that any suggestions from her would not be appreciated. Since no two sessions were
ever alike, she always had to contend with the fear of the unknown.
"Put your gloves on," Dale instructed as soon as they entered the bedroom. He pointed to the long,
black kid gloves lying on the dresser. Judy slowly began working the gloves on and required some
assistance from him to get the job done. The skin-tight gloves covered her elbows and reached nearly to
the short sleeves of her white sweater. The black leather gloves made a striking contrast with her white
sweater, and made her bondage costume all the more appealing.
"Put your hands out, palms and forearms together!" Dale instructed.
Judy obeyed in a somewhat tentative manner, watching closely to see what would happen next. Taking a
length of white clothesline rope, Dale quickly tied her wrists and forearms together in a tight but
unrestricting manner. Although her gloved fingers were free to move about, Judy could see that escape
was impossible.
"Dale, I wish you'd tell me what..", Judy's voice trailed off as he shot her a warning glance.
"You know what happens to girls who talk too much!" he reminded her.
"Please, Dale! Not a helmet!" Judy pleaded, already suspecting that it was too late to save her blond
head from one of his discipline helmets.
Dale walked over to the closet to pick out a leather discipline helmet for his pretty girlfriend. He
possessed several such helmets in various styles which he had acquired over a length of time. This time
he selected a brown leather helmet which opened with a zipper down the back and had openings only
for the mouth and nostrils. In addition, it was heavily padded at the ears to severely limit the wearer's
"Oh, please, Dale!" Judy pleaded in an urgent voice. "Please, not that!
It's so uncomfortable!"
Dale paid no attention to her pleas and in a moment Judy's blond head began to disappear into the
brown leather helmet. Making sure that it was fitted into place properly and that her blond hair was
gathered completely inside the helmet, Dale pulled the zipper to completely enclose her head within the
helmet. The bizarre leather garment fit her head quite tightly, distinctly outlining her features. Completely
deprived of all sight and normal hearing, Judy stood haplessly awaiting her ordeal.
Dale quickly produced a red rubber ball strung on a dowel stick with ropes at each end, and pressed it
against Judy's lips. With a resigned sigh, Judy meekly opened her pretty mouth as far as she could to
receive the unwelcome object. Without further ado, Dale shoved the rubber ball between her lips and
"Mmmmm!" Judy's moan of despair sounded low and faraway as the ball forced her jaws uncomfortably
 far apart.
Stepping behind her, Dale quickly and efficiently tied the two ropes firmly at the back of her neck,
thereby forcibly implanting the gag in her mouth and making it impossible for her to voluntarily expel it.
Deprived of all sight, hearing, and the ability to communicate verbally, Judy stood meekly helmeted and
gagged. Although the bizarre helmet totally concealed her pretty blond head, in some strange and exotic
manner it seemed to make her all the more appealing.
Dale brought out a fifteen-foot length of clothesline rope and securely fastened one end of it to the bonds
at Judy's wrists. Stepping up on the bed, he then worked the opposite end of the rope through a small
hook in the ceiling. Stepping down to the floor, he slowly began pulling on the rope to take up the slack.
Imprisoned in the private world created by the helmet, Judy had no idea what he was doing until she felt
her arms being pulled upward. In a moment, Judy's arms were pulled out straight and Dale was
beginning to feel her weight against the rope.
"Mmmmmmm!" Judy tried to protest through the gag, as her arms were pulled up quite uncomfortably
and she found herself standing on her toes.
Making sure that Judy's spike heels were no longer in contact with the floor and that she was completely
up on her toes, Dale quickly tied the rope to one of several hooks he had installed in the baseboard
around the room.
"Mmmmmmm!" Judy murmured through her gag, shaking her helmeted head in a negative manner in a
futile effort to protest the decidedly uncomfortable position.
Dale paused for a moment to cast an appreciative glance at his attractive and totally helpless prisoner.
Her long and shapely body strained to the utmost, the grotesquely helmeted and gagged young woman
made a beautiful bondage subject. As she stood high on tiptoe, the lithe muscles in her long and
gorgeous legs were stretched tautly and rippled beautifully beneath her black nylons. Dale could feel his
excitement rising as his eyes moved from her helmeted head down to the visible outline of her black
brassiere and then down to her long, nylon-clad legs.
Totally helpless and completely at his mercy, Judy knew that she was helpless to protect herself from the
tormenting that was soon to come. Blindfolded by the gag, she didn't know what to expect until
suddenly she felt masculine hands on her breasts. Dale manipulated her well-filled brassiere in a
deliberately familiar manner designed both to torment and embarrass her.
"Mmmmm!" Judy's muffled outburst revealed surprise and a trace of excitement.
Dale abruptly dropped his hands from her breasts and cupped them around her girlishly plump posterior.
Blushing warmly beneath her helmet, Judy wriggled prettily as she felt his hands squeezing and fondling
her comely bottom in a deliberately provocative manner. The pretty young woman realized all too well
that he might decide to spank her, and that there would be no way in the world to stop him.
After tormenting her with his hands for a couple of minutes, Dale unfastened her leather miniskirt and
allowed it to fall to the floor at her feet. As instructed, she was wearing expensive black panties and
garter belt that matched her brassiere. Dropping to one knee in front of her, he worked the skirt free
from her feet and tossed it aside. Taking another length of clothesline rope, he began tying her trim
ankles together quite securely. The white rope stood out starkly against her black nylons, creating a
thoroughly pleasing effect. Next, he took another length of rope and used it to bind her thighs together
just above the knees. With the two lengths of rope forcing her long legs tightly together, Judy felt all the
more helpless and under his domination.
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