The Plague of Zombies, Hero Quest

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The Plague of Zombies

was pictured on the
back cover of
The Adventure Design Kit
and has been carefully
& faithfully recreated.
Re-created from:
Group Quest
The Plague of Zombies
“The peaceful farmlands of the Empire have been caves in the highlands. Now you must enter the
disturbed by a growing tide of attacks by undead caverns to find and destroy the source of this evil
creatures. The source of this evil is in a series of undead plague.”
The increase in Undead activity is due to a Chaos Sorcerer
No traps will be found in this room. If the left-hand Chest is
known as the Deathmaster. He has learned many powerfull
opened, the Hero will be teleported into room C. The Chests
spells allowing him to raise and control the dead, and plans
contain a vial of Holy Water and 50 Gold Crowns.
to use these to damage the food sources of the accursed
Emperor’s armies. The Deathmaster’s power is spread
The Hero that opened the chest in room ‘B’ will be
throughout the caverns and therefore if any living creature
transported here.
(i.e not a Zombie, Skeleton or Mummy) is killed in the caves,
Zargon may replace it with an active Zombie or Skeleton
This is the Deathmaster. He has the following stats:
figure. This includes the Heroes and any Mercenaries. Any
Undead which are killed remain dead.
Movement Attack Defend Body Mind
6 4 4 3 3
These four Orcs have Crossbows, giving them a ranged
He also knows the following Chaos Spells:
Call Skeleton
Attack Dice of 3.
Summon Mummy
Summon Undead
Wandering Monster in this Quest:
Hero Quest and the HeroQuest logo are trademarks of the Milton Bradley Corporation, a subsidiary of Hasbro,
©2008, in association with Games Workshop ©1988-1993. All rights reserved. Use of its theme and images in
this document is not intended as a challenge or threat to their copyright. This document is made available
exclusively for private, in-home use and is not permitted to be altered or sold, in whole or part, for profit.
Maps & Icons generated with HeroScribe
Extracted from the back cover of The Adventure Design Kit
Altered slightly by
& Phoenix
This file is permitted to be hosted
at the following website(s):
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