The ritual, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
The Ritual
A Hideous Plot in Which Murder is
just the Start
Written by Phillip Wells
Updated for WFRP 2nd edition by Michael Congreve
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Written by Phillip Wells
Illustrations by Russ Nicholson and Jes Goodwin
Updated by Michael Congreve
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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Skretth’s Dark Lore (Warp) Spells
Armour of Darkness
Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Bit of blackened leather (+2)
Effect: 1 AP to every location and +20 bonus to Concealment Skill Tests.
This adventure is suitable for inexperienced or
beginning player characters. It is set in Delberz,
but could be used in any urban setting. It pits
the PCs against Skaven and their human allies.
In this adventure, the PCs witness a cultist,
Peter Tavelli, chasing and seemingly trying to
kill a young man, who begs for their help.
Pursuing Tavelli leads the PCs to a dangerous
underground complex where a band of Skaven,
led by Skretth – an unusually dangerous
specimen – have joined forces with a group of
human cultists. Can the PCs prevent the terrible
ritual these groups are planning, and save
themselves into the bargain?
Death Frenzy
Casting Number: 18
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredients: 2 drops blood from rabid animal (+2)
Effect: Ally within 18 yards gain Black Hunger.
Flensing Ruin
Casting Number: 25
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredients: Piece of elf, dwarf or human skin (+3)
Effect: Target within 10 yards takes S5 hit for a number of rounds equal to caster’s Magic Level.
This is an adventure in which the PCs are put
against significant combat opposition, and at
the very least the PCs should include at least
two (and preferably three) characters that can
look after themselves with some confidence in a
Casting Number: 8
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Hind leg of rat (+1)
Effect: You or ally within 18 yards teleport to location in line of sight.
This adventure was originally printed in White Dwarf # 99, and was later re-printed in the
Games Workshop publication ‘The Restless Dead’, and the Hogshead Publishing
supplement ‘Apocrypha 2: Chart of Darkness’.
Casting Number: 14
Casting Time: Full action
Ingredients: A wheel of good cheese (+2)
Effect: All creatures within template centred on caster take Damage 1 hit, except caster. On following round
swarm moves 12 yards in direction of caster’s choice, then control is lost.
Grey Seer Skretth is insane: a renegade Skaven with an impossible goal. He controls a
small group of loyal but misguided Clan Skyre warriors. Recently, he and his patrol
exited the Under-Empire (the web of tunnels that riddle the Empire) into the sewers
beneath Delberz. The original map showed no such exit, Skretth looks upon it as fate.
Skretth is somewhat paranoid and delusional, and therefore chose not to make contact
with the Skaven of Under-Delberz, instead choosing to remain in isolation to perform his
Warp Lightning
Casting Number: 11
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: A slender copper rod (+2)
Magic Missile
, 48 yards and Damage 5. Caster takes Damage 1 hit for every 1 on the Casting Roll.
On a previous mission in Sylvania, Skretth had the extended opportunity to study the
works and practices of a skilled Necromancer. The things he witnessed were too much
even for the Skaven’s warped mind, and he began to seek solace in the drug Mandrake.
Constantly hallucinating from the effects of the drug, the young Skaven became
fascinated by experiments he could not hope to understand. He reasoned that for bodies
to be re-animated, there would have to be Warpstone present, as he believed the
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
substance sparked life into all things. If it was there then surely it could be extracted? If
he could find out a way to extract it, he would be able to return to Skavenblight, and the
accolades he felt were his due.
Skretth’s Petty Magic (Warp) Spells
The Delberz sewer network has provided him with an opportunity to collect specimens
and practise rituals for his flawed quest. Human cultists in the town, members of the
Horned Rat worshipping cult named “The Poison Claw”, have been made aware of the
groups arrival and are aiding Skretth in his unofficial mission.
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Bit of human flesh (+1)
Effect: +5% bonus to your next test, or steal Favour of the Horned Rat from any Skaven within 16 yards.
The adventure leads the characters into the sewers beneath the city. There they will
discover that a band of Skaven have recently taken up residence down there, and, with
the aid of their human servants, are carrying out bizarre rituals and sacrifices to their
deity, the Horned Rat. The characters must try to eradicate (or at least drive out) the
Skaven, whilst attempting to save a wealthy citizen from their clutches in the process.
As the Skaven presence is significant, the characters will need to have their wits about
them. Repeatedly choosing to fight will lead to a swift and bloody demise…
Ghostly Flame
Casting Number: 6
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Pinch of Warpstone powder (+1)
Effect: Light equivalent to torch burns for 1 hour. May be thrown as a
magic missile
with Damage 1.
Claw Mark
Mark of the Horned Rat
Casting Number: 3
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: A rotten tooth (+1)
Effect: Target within 16 yards passes WP test or gains blemish lasting 1D10 hours for –5% Fel.
The following encounter should occur as
the PCs are walking back from a late night
drink one evening at their local tavern.
They should, however, have a good deal of
their equipment with them, as they will
have no time to go and pick up anything
left in their lodgings.
Rat Thrall
Casting Number: 3
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Bit of mouldy cheese (+1)
Effect: Summon communicating and obedient rat for 1D10 hours.
As they are strolling through a particularly
dark and quiet street, a door suddenly
bursts open from one of the expensive
houses lining the road. A young man,
dressed only in his night-clothes, rushes
out yelling,
“Help me, someone, please!”
Casting Number: 4
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Wad of Dung (+1)
Effect: Target within 16 yards must take T test or be at –20% to Resist Disease for 24 hours.
As he catches sight of the characters, he
turns and races towards them. A large
bruise covers one side of his face. As he
races over, gasping for air, a dark shape
appears, silhouetted in the doorway of the
house. The man gasps out one last
“They’ve got my father… Don’t
let them take him… Hurry…”
before an
audible twang comes from the doorway,
followed by a much closer thud.
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Tear from a human child (+1)
Effect: Target within 12 yards suffers pain and –5% to WS, BS, Ag for 1D10 rounds.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Scenario: The Ritual
The unfortunate young man collapses into the arms of one of the characters (perhaps
one who is drawing or who has already drawn a missile weapon of his own), choking
and coughing up blood. A crossbow bolt is buried in his back. He is dead.
GM’s Notes
Frightening, Mindless, Shambling, Undead.
Special Rules:
Zombies are animated corpses with no mind or spirit of their own. They have
no Intelligence, Willpower, or Fellowship, and never take or fail Tests based on these
Zombies are relentless but slow. They cannot take the run action.
The crossbow quarrel landed in the back of Ernest Dralst, son of Klauss Dralst, a
wealthy townsman. Both lived in the rather plush house from which Ernest just emerged.
Ernest was asleep in his upstairs bedroom when he was awakened by someone moving
about below. After waking his father, the two of them went to investigate, but were leapt
upon by three intruders in the kitchen. Klauss was swiftly overpowered. Ernest,
however, being younger and fitter, managed to break free and run out on to the street.
Peter Tavelli, a Poison Claw cultist, raced after Ernest in an effort to prevent him from
alerting anyone, after having first ordered his companions to take Klauss back to Skretth
by way of an old, forgotten, stone passageway which travels right up into the house
through a flagstone in the cellar. Meanwhile, Tavelli has succeeded in shooting Ernest,
but not before ho managed to reach the PCs.
As soon as Tavelli fired his bolt, he retreats back inside the building and watches the
adventurers’ reaction through the hall window. If they pursue him, he will lead them into
a trap in the house before trying to get back into the cellar and into the secret passage.
If he is caught or cornered, he will seize a capsule of Black Lotus Venom from around
his neck and bite in to it. These capsules are carried by all members of the Poison Claw,
and contain the equivalent of four very strong doses of the drug (
each dose are
Challenging (-10%)
, for a total –20%).
Skretth’s Lesser Magic Spells
Such a capsule may not necessarily kill, though the GM is encouraged to ensure that
this does not happen too often. The use of these capsules is accepted by all members
of the cult, and even if the poison does not work, a successful
Hard (-20%) Torture
will be necessary in order to extract any information from them, such is their loyalty
to Skretth.
Aethyric Armour
Casting Number: 5
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: Link of chainmail (+1)
Effect: Gain AP equal to Caster’s Magic Level for 6 rounds.
The adventurers will probably chase Tavelli into the house in an attempt to apprehend
him. The characters should remember the dying mans last words, expressing the need
for speed.
Casting Number: 10
Casting Time: Half action
Ingredients: A gag (+1)
Effect: Target within 24 yards must pass WP test or be silent for rounds equal to caster’s Magic level.
Should particularly cowardly adventurers refuse to enter the house at once, the
adventure can still be brought back on line. The Skaven will be very interested in
capturing the party, since they are the only (living) people who know what happened to
Klauss. They may be grabbed during the night and thrown into the cells in the sewers
(see Into The Sewers, below) to await sacrifice. The PCs will then have to escape –
Klauss will already have been sacrificed by then, so they won’t have to worry about
rescuing him anymore.
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