The Tough Get Coming, 03 Single white vampire, 300 Complete Erotic Novels

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BEE-6954B The Tough Get Coming by Paul Mall Chapter 1 "So what do you wanna do, Gwen?" Alan
grinned to the beautiful blonde girl sitting on the rumpled bed next to him.
Gwen Bristol grinned back just as lustfully at the young man beside her. Ever since she'd first met Alan
Watson when she got to Lindale College that past August, there had been no question at all about what
it was that attracted them to each other.
Pure, undiluted lust!
Gwen's roommate was out of town for the weekend, and she knew they wouldn't be disturbed in her
small dorm room. "Alan, honey," she sighed, curling up next to him and leaning in close, her lush body
moving sensuously under the tight-fitting blouse and jeans. "Make me happy, baby."
"Anything for you, sweetmeat," he smiled. As she rolled into him, she could feel the weight of her firm
breasts brush against the side of his chest, and through them her fast-beating heart, the signal that this
lusty blonde was ready for another of their sexual free-for-alls. He had never before met a girl who was
so hot for fucking and sucking all the time. Gwen never seemed to be able to get enough hard cock
slipped into her.
Alan let his fingertips slide gently down the back of her silky blouse, tracing the curve of her spine. Gwen
trembled slightly and melted into his arms, her luscious red lips nipping at his neck, the wet tongue
leaving a warm glistening trail on his skin. He pressed his hand under the waistband of her tight jeans and
slowly eased it down to continue tracing her spine, moving into the moist slit between her curving
asscheeks. Gwen never wore panties when she was dressed in her tight-fitting designer jeans, and had
once told him it was because she got off on the fabric rubbing on her pussy and asshole when she
moved. The jeans fit almost like a second skin, and Alan had to push to get his hand down farther, but
with little whimpers of pleasure Gwen shifted her ass around, helping him until he had shoved his hand
completely down the back of her jeans, his fingers splayed out across her lush buttocks, with the long
middle finger teasingly stroking at the very bottom of her wet, heated pussy lips.
"OOOH!" Gwen gasped as she felt the first touch of his finger on her sensitive cunt. She dropped her
hands to undo the waistband of her jeans, opening them so Alan could move his hand still farther in from
behind. She felt his finger farther forward and up higher now, slipping into her juicy twat until he had the
palm of his hand flat on her pert behind.
"Oh! Mmmmm," she sighed and moaned. Christ, but he could turn her on so! But then, she grinned to
herself, just about any man could. She was always so hot for fucking. She'd had so many lovers this first
year of college, all in an effort to try and forget her one true need, but it had been to no avail. Her mind
brought up the image of her father, just as it did everytime she began to make love to another man. Her
father was the one man she wanted more than any other, but could never have. She had lusted after him
since the first awakenings of her sexuality, but had never done anything but yearn for him, wanting to feel
his arms around her as a lover rather than a parent, wanting to feel his daddy-cock cramming her pussy
full again and again. A lustful shiver rippled through her entire body at the thought of her father wildly
fucking her.
"You like that?" Alan asked, feeling her erotic trembling as he slowly finger-fucked her juicing twat,
thinking he was the total reason for her passionate responses.
"Oh, yesss," she hissed lightly, looking at him with shining eyes. She knew she would enjoy making love
to Alan, just as she had with all the other men in her life. But she also knew that it would never be a
complete fulfillment with that image of her father always in the back of her mind. Oh, Daddy! she cried, I
need you so! She shifted on the narrow dorm bed, pulling her legs wider and guiding Alan's free hand to
 the front of her jeans. "Do me, baby!" she cooed, squirming on the mattress, thrusting her burning groin
toward him. Alan hurriedly lowered the zipper of her pants and slid his hand into the soft curls of her
twat, already damp from her juices. With his other hand he continued to finger-fuck steadily in and out of
her hot cunt hole from the back. Slipping down farther in front, he used the tip of one finger to tease
apart the flushed folds of her pussy lips at the top of her crack, bringing her clit up to throbbing arousal.
Gwen started pumping her rolling hips back and forth in time with his long finger-fucking. "Oh, shit!
That's it! Yeah!!" she cried. She reached up for his face and pulled it down to hers for a long, wet kiss,
their mouths sucking and sighing around one another. "Fuck me, darling, fuck me!" she whispered
fiercely into his wet mouth, curling his shaggy dark hair around her fingers as she held his face to hers a
moment longer.
"Then let's get naked and get to it, gorgeous!" he laughed, pulling his hands from the tight confines of her
jeans. On a sudden impulse Gwen grabbed for the hand he'd been gently frigging her cunt with, then held
it up to her face. His middle finger was wet and gleaming with the oily juices of her turned-on pussy.
Never taking her eyes off his face, she slowly licked his finger clean, savoring the taste of her own tangy
sex fluids, while watching the arousal in his face grow. "Oh, man ..." Alan whispered in awe as he
watched her make such an erotic move. He had never seen any woman do such a thing before and it
was an incredible turn-on. And her big blue eyes looking at him almost as hungrily as she licked and
sucked his finger got his cock throbbing in eager anticipation in his own tight jeans.
When she had completely licked his finger clean of her twat juice, Gwen giggled and darted forward to
lightly kiss his lips, giving him a slight taste of her tangy young cunt. Alan knew he'd have to get to the
real thing soon or burst!
"Lay back, Gwen, you've got me hungry now!" he growled, sliding off the bed to sit on the floor
between her legs. Gwen quickly leaned back on the bed with her legs over the side, then raised her legs
and hips so Alan could slide her tight slacks down her slender thighs and off her feet. She settled back
with her naked rump on the edge of the mattress, the low dorm bed leaving her hot young twat only
inches from his face. "Goddamnit, baby-doll," Alan sighed in pleasure at the sight. "You've got to have
the tastiest-looking cunt in the whole world!" Gwen's blonde-furred muff framed the pouting pink lips of
a pussy just made for eating. Her slightly swelling cunt mound was split with juicy pussy lips, and her
erect clit stuck out from the top of the split, a small nubbin of pleasure almost visibly throbbing in her
arousal. Alan brought his face forward and pressed his watering mouth to her down-rimmed, warmly
scented pussy lips.
"Oh, God, ALLLLLAAANNNNN!" the young girl cried and squirmed as she felt his hot, probing
tongue tracing a liquid path through her throbbing cunt slit. In all of her nineteen years she had never met
anyone who could eat pussy like Alan. She was almost purring like a cat in heat as he let his rough
tongue slash over her sensitive clit, sending little shocks of electric pleasure shooting through her entire
body. She ground her hips into his face in uncontrollable abandon, tossing her head back and forth on
the pillows as she let the pleasure he was giving her grow more and more.
But Alan was just too hot and horny himself to eat her out for very long this time, as much as he loved
the taste of her cunt. He had to relieve the growing pleasure in his balls soon or he'd explode inside.
Licking and kissing her warm moist twat for a few last moments, he dug his tongue in to scoop out a few
pearly drops of her juice, then moved slowly back up her stomach, letting his tongue trace a wet path
over her naked flesh. Gwen shivered happily as the hot wetness of his saliva mixed with her own thick
creams cooled quickly on her sensitive skin. Alan rose higher, bringing his mouth down on her breasts,
making the slick fabric of her blouse stick to her aroused nipples as he sucked at the twin points through
her clothing. Going still higher he brought his lips back to hers, kissing her passionately, their tongues
wrapping around each other. His large hands grabbed at her heaving breasts, squeezing the firm but
 yielding flesh through her blouse. But he wanted her naked.
"Take everything off!" he gasped urgently as he rolled to her side and began to tear at his own restrictive
clothing. Gwen quickly unbuttoned her blouse, trembling slightly at the erotic feeling when she pulled it
off and the wet fabric clinging tightly to her nipples pulled on them gently before coming free. Alan's eyes
roved hungrily over her luscious young breasts as he fumbled with his own clothing. Her tits were firm
and round, not too large or too small, "just a mouthful and a half," as he had told her once. Each was
tipped with a fat, bright-pink nipple, sticking up hard and long in her frenzied arousal now. Gwen smiled
and licked her lips as she watched him finally strip off his shorts, and his powerful young cock sprang
out, thick and meaty and eager for her pussy. She had come to know that powerful tool well over the
past few months. Although it would probably be average in length when compared to the other men
she'd known, it had a thick heaviness to it that always made her tremble in anticipation of feeling it
shoving open her pussy hole. A shiver of anticipation started in her juicing cunt and brought goosebumps
up on her entire body. Alan quickly moved back over her, his thick, bloated prick pressed down into the
softly yielding naked belly as he lowered his body to hers. "Alan, Alan, Alan ..." she sighed over and
over, grabbing his head and mashing her mouth hungrily onto his. Their tongues lashed and twisted
together in imitation of the action of their mashing groins. Alan shifted his hips down so that his fat cock
slipped up between the flushed lips of her pussy, and he began to rock back and forth over her, sliding
the hot length of his hard meat in between the lips of her slit.
Gwen started writhing in passionate hunger at these teasing cock-strokes. Alan shifted again, moving
lower and slipping his cock onto her warm thigh, then slid his right hand down to her upthrusting cunt
mound, shoving his long middle finger once more deep into her hotly sucking twat hole.
He grinned at the low moans of pleasure that erupted from Gwen's throat as he caressed her already
hotly wet pussy with his sensitive fingers. She was completely ready for him, juicy and pliant. He had
known her for months, and had found that this was one woman who was ready for fucking every hour of
the day or night.
He began to whip his digit in and out more quickly, then suddenly added a second finger, cramming into
her hot hole. "OH, Yeah! Ohhh!" the excited girl cooed with delight as he finger-fucked her hungry
vagina. The lewd squashing sounds of his fingers pistoning in and out of her wetly clutching twat built her
desires higher and higher. His fingers felt wonderful, digging deep into her twat, almost seeking to literally
scratch the burning itch of lust she felt there. But she wanted more, and what she needed was throbbing
hotly against her thigh, inches from that itch. She had to feel his hard and burning cock shoving deep
inside her belly, yearned to feel its bloated, hard length fucking in and out, ramming home in her eagerly
juicing snatch. "Oh, please, do me, Alan!" she moaned and squirmed, thrusting her hips upward toward
him. "Fuck me! I want you in me now!" Alan grinned down at her, her beautiful young face contorted in
her lustful moans. The sound of people walking by in the dorm hallway just beyond the closed door
added excitement as he poised himself over her desire-filled flesh. Having only been on the faculty of
Lindale College a short time, he loved to fuck girls in their dorm rooms, where the chances of someone
coming in on them only served to heighten the sexual excitement of the moment for him.
He felt as if he were going to come the instant she wrapped her fingers around his throbbing cock shaft,
impatiently pulling on his hard meat, trying to guide the fat swollen head in to split apart the pink mouth of
her hot young cunt. His balls shot up tight under his shaft, their load churning at her touch.
"Fuck me, Alan! Fuck me, fuck me!!" she kept moaning as she pulled on his cock, hungry for the feel of
his thick meat shaft inside her twat. A sigh of pure animal pleasure burst from her pouty lips as Alan
pressed forward, nudging the red mushroom cap of his prick into the soft heat of her wildly pulsing
pussy. She tensed and quivered in delicious anticipation as she felt his penetration begin. Her breath was
 coming in short gasps as she wiggled her hips up and around to try and impale herself on his cock. But
Alan moved with her, teasing her hot pulsing hole with only the fat tip of his dick nestled in the lips of her
ultra-moist cunt.
"Oh, Alllaannnn!! Don't tease!!" she cried in frustration, grabbing his muscular buttocks and trying to pull
him into her burning twat. "Shove it in! I need you so bad!!"
Alan had teased as long as he could, the pressure building up in his own loins begging him for release as
much as Gwen was. With one long smooth stroke he shoved his thick shaft far up inside Gwen's moist,
clutching cunt until he was into her balls-deep. Her warm twat closed in tightly around his lustful prick,
and he groaned with pleasure at the feel of her.
"Shit! You always feel like a virgin, baby - hot and damn tight!" Beads of sweat broke out on his
forehead as he burrowed deeper into her hot and slippery hole. Alan ground his hips forcefully into her
twat, feeling his cum-bloated balls mash into her widespread ass-cheeks, as he lowered his head to
hungrily nibble at first one taut little nipple and then the other. Gwen squirmed in almost uncontrollable
pleasure as he reamed out her hot pussy again and again with his fat cock, sending more subtle shivers of
pleasure through her with his sucking mouth. "More! Oh, harder!! God, yesss!" Gwen was almost
screaming now, pressing her entire naked young body up to the hard-fucking man on top of her,
thrusting her fur-rimmed pussy hungrily upward to engulf as much of his hard-driving cock as she could.
Alan felt himself losing control of his actions, his long, even fucking strokes becoming more and more
urgent and brutal as he neared his climax. His wild, deeply penetrating thrusts brought moan after moan
of lewd pleasure from Gwen's lips. She shifted her long legs and wrapped them around his nakedly
pumping buttocks, pulling him into her with each move. Her fingernails dug into his shoulders, leaving
long red furrows as she clawed at him like an animal in heat. "Oh!! AaaahhhggggHHHHHHHHHH!!
More!!" she panted, tossing her head from side to side, her mouth wide-open. "Fuck me, darling ... fuck
me forever!"
"I wish I could!" Alan grunted back, lost in the hot pleasure of her giving female body. "Oh, ugh! Yeah,
so fucking goooodddd!" he sighed. Gwen felt him speed up the tempo of his thrusts, cramming his thick,
incredibly hard prick with more and more energy into her juicy hole, grinding her pert buttocks into the
hard mattress beneath her. Her greedy little cunt couldn't get enough of him, riding up and down on his
pulsing dick, grasping and sucking on the meat shaft. Alan knew of no woman who gave herself over so
totally to fucking, to the complete sensual fulfillment of unrestrained screwing. "AAIIIEEE!" A guttural,
gurgling scream escaped from her throat as a new tremor of sensual pleasure raked over her lusty bod.
She knew it would only be a few minutes before the big one came, and she humped at his cock harder,
eager for that supreme moment of orgasmic pleasure. This sudden increase in her frenzied fucking
moves sent new spasms of joy up Alan's hot cock as her cunt clutched and twisted around him, and he
felt his own driving need for release coming nearer as the hot jizz in his balls churned and frothed, ready
to blast forth into her hot pussy.
Gwen was crying out with uncontrollable passion now under the constant assault of his heavy prick
pistoning in and out of her clutching twat. The lewd sound and feel of his hairy nuts slapping and bruising
her upturned asscheeks was driving her wilder and wilder. She could even feel the wiry hairs of his balls
tickling at the puckered ring of her asshole, a sensation she knew could always send her into a frenzied
"Yes, yessssss," she hissed through clenched teeth, "So goooodddd!!" "Damn, you've got the ... tightest
... hottest little pussy in ... the whole friggin' world, baby!" Alan moaned back between gasps for air,
feeling her thigh muscles suddenly tighten up around his hips as she lunged upward to literally impale
herself on every hard-driving thrust he made into her steamy snatch. He felt the wet warmth of her
 quivering twat hole as it slid back and forth over his rock-hard prick, her talented cunt muscles nibbling
along the heavy shaft. Suddenly her tightly clasping vaginal passage started to swell and grow slicker
around his cock, the spasming lining gripping him so tightly he had to fight not to blow his load right then.
The beautiful blonde was only seconds away from paying off to her fuck-frenzy, to the pussy-splitting
power of his ramming tool.
"AAAAAAGGGHHHH!! OH, Daddy!!!! Gwen screamed, "I ... I'm comminnnGGGG!!!" And as
happened every time before, Gwen's mind locked on the image of her father's face as she hit her
orgasm. In her mind and thus to her body, the heavy cock buried in her cunt and giving her such
mind-blowing pleasure was his. She jerked her hips upward so violently that she almost threw the
unbalanced Alan off the bed. Gurgles and moans escaped from her throat as she tossed about wildly,
locking her legs like a vise behind his ass, forcing his cock as deep as possible into her spasming pussy
with a strength born of pure sexual need that Alan was powerless to fight, even if he had wanted to.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" she cried over and over, tears of pleasure running down her soft cheeks from
beneath tightly shut eyelids. Alan thought it was just a nickname she had made up for him since the first
time they'd fucked, and thought nothing of it. But to Gwen her intense pleasure was now all due to her
The wild frantic sensations of her orgasm were enough to push Alan over the brink as well, and Gwen
felt his wildly throbbing cock suddenly jerk and spasm in her cunt as he spurted gob after steaming gob
of his white cum deep into her twat. His semen-bloated testicles exploded, sending their entire hot load
geysering into her eager muff. "Jesus-God!!" he shouted as he came, the sweat now pouring off his
body just as his rich, thick seed poured into her pussy. "Oh! So good! Gwen!! So damn GOOD!!"
"Baby, yesss! Fill me with your hot jizz! Oh, Daddy!" Gwen squealed as she felt his cock spasming deep
within her. Their wet bodies locked together at the groin, their flesh almost fused into one as they pushed
and strained at one another in the throes of their orgasms. Then, finally, slowly, Gwen's thighs relaxed
their viselike grip just as she felt his digit slowly soften. Alan fell down full on her body, his arms tight
around her shoulders as they both gasped for breath. For only a few minutes, but what seemed like
hours, they both lay in sweat-soaked exhaustion, their bodies tightly glued together, his cock still deep in
her creaming cunt.
For Gwen this was always the time to come down not only from the height of her climax, but to return to
the reality of her partner. The images of her father slowly faded, and she opened her eyes to see Alan's
grinning, sweaty face gazing down at her.
She smiled back, then raised her head slightly and gently kissed both his eyes. She liked Alan
tremendously, and he was one of the best fucks she had yet come across, but she knew sadly that that
would be as far as it could go. She had fallen in love with her father, just as a thousand other little girls
always fell in love with their fathers. But in her case, that little-girl crush had never gone away, but had
instead raged into a passionate, hungry yearning as she grew older. She had tried to throw it off when
she went off to college. Still a virgin out of high school, she had thrown herself wildly into the hedonistic
freedom of the campus. Alan had been at the registration table her first day away from home, and it
hadn't taken much persuasion on his part to get her into bed with him. What followed was an incredible
weekend of sex where she had learned just how deeply her sensual feelings ran. But that first time, and
every time since, she could not escape one fact. Every man she made love to, tall or short, light or dark,
always became her father at the crucial instant of climax.
She wrapped her arms around Alan's heaving shoulders and pulled his head down to the pillow beside
her. Looking up at the ceiling, relaxing under the comfortable weight of his warm body on hers, Gwen
knew there was only one way for her to rid herself of this fixation. She would be going home for a
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