Theatre of Pain Manual, Instrukcje

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**********************THEATRE OF PAIN MANUAL**********************by NGboo******BASICS******f - forwardb - backwardd - downu - upP - PunchK - KickWP - Weak PunchMP - Medium PunchFP - Fierce PunchWK - Weak KickMK - Medium KickFK - Fierce Kickqcf - quarter circle forwardqcb - quarter circle backwardhcf - half circle forwardhcb - half circle backwardd () - hold down, then press the buttons inside the brackets (crouching combos)"/" - means "or"Press WP+WK/MP+MK/FP+FK to "escape" your opponents attack.******GAUGES******While in battle, there are 3 gauges you'll see at the screen:Health Sword (at the top of the screen)Once it's completely soaked in blood, your character will die.Unblockable Gauge (right beneath the Health Sword)It charges when you hit your opponent and he/she is blocking your attacks.Once it's fully charged and blinking, you can perform UnblockableMove, which is the same for all the characters: b,f+P.Special Sword (at the bottom of the screen)It charges:- when you hit your opponent or being hit by opponent- when you use FP and FK without hitting the opponent- when you use your special moves.Once it's fully soaked in blood, you can unleash one of your SUPER MOVES...****STYX****Mountains Meander: qcf+KCursus Weasel: qcf+PVolatus Spin: f,f+KBackflip: b,bCOMBO III HIT: WP/WK,MP/MK,FP/FKCOMBO IV HIT: WP/WK,MP/MK,Cursus WeaselCOMBO V HIT: WP/WK,MP/MK,FP/FK, Cursus WeaselWP/WK,MP/MK,Mountains MeanderCOMBO VI HIT: WP/WK,MP/MK,FP/FK, Mountains MeanderWEASEL STRIKE: b,f+PARCADIUS JUSTICE: qcf,qcf+punchFLYING WEASEL: qcf,qcf+kick*******OPTIMUS*******Scorpius Lunge Annoy: qcf+PZeus Cyclone Attack: qcb+KFader: qcf+KGravity Shift: f,f/b,b/u,u (while jumping)COMBO III HIT: WK,MP,FP/d+FKCOMBO IV HIT: WK,MP,Scorpius Lunge AnnoycOMBO VI HIT: WK,MK,Zeus Cyclone AttackSCORPIUS SHOVEL: b,f+PSCORPIUS REVENGE: qcf,qcf+PPRAYER TO ZEUS: qcf,qcf+K******LEMURE******Surculus: qcb+PLanx Lavare: b,b+PMalicula Valeto: d,d(Your special must be charged at least to level I.)COMBO III HIT: WP,MK,FKCOMBO IV HIT: WP,MK,FK,FPWP,MK,Lanx LavareCOMBO VI HIT: WP,MK,SurculusFUMARE LANX LAVARE: b,f+PDEVIANCE SWIPE: qcf,qcf+PTEMPUS DOLOR: qcb,qcb+K*******NEMESIS*******Gorging Knife: qcf+P (while jumping, too)Devilish Simia: qcb+KCancer�fs Claw: back, backCOMBO III HIT: WP,MP,FPWP,WK,MK/FKWP,WK,Gorging KnifeCOMBO IV HIT: d (WP,WK,MK,FK)d (WP,WK,FP)d (WK,MK),FP,FPd (WK,MK),Gorging Knife (with FP)COMBO V HIT: d (WP,WK,MP,MK,FP)d (WP,WK,MK),FP,FPd (WP,WK,MK),Gorging Knife (with FP)COMBO VI HIT: d (WP,WK,MK,FP),Gorging Knife (with MP)d (WP,WK,MK),FP,FP,Gorging Knife (with MP)GORGING REACT: b,f+PHEAVENLY GORGING KNIFE: qcf,qcf+PDEMONIC WINDMILL: qcf,qcf+K*********SPARTACUS*********Devastating Smash: qcf+PArian Shockwave: qcb+PCOMBO II HIT: WP/WK,MP/MK/FP/FKCOMBO III HIT: d (WK,WP,MP/FP/MK/FK)TURRIAN THUNDER: b,f+PARIAN PENTAGON: qcf,qcf+PARIES PENDULUM: qcf,qcf+K*****JANUS*****Mystic Wave: qcf+PMystic Swift: f,f+P (while jumping)Mystic Phase Towards: qcf+KMystic Phase Backwards: qcb+KMystic Drop: d,d+KCOMBO III HIT: WP/WK,MK,FP/FKWP/WK,MK,Mystic WaveCOMBO IV HIT: WP/WK,MK,FP/FK,Mystic WaveMYSTIC SHIFT: b,f+PMYSTIC DERVISH: qcf,qcf+PMYSTIC SCATTA SWIPE: b,d,d+K (while jumping)******VULCAN******Axe Unleash: qcf+PBoaring Axe: qcf+KMajestic Eagle: qcb+PRolling Midget: b,bNO COMBOS!!!DEVIL DASH: b,f+PGODLY AXE UNLEASH: qcf,qcf+PBLIND FURY: qcf,qcf+K********CALIGULA********Violating Intercept: qcb+PViolating Interrupt: f,f+PCOMBO II HIT: WK,MK/FKCOMBO III HIT: WP,FP,Violating Interruptd (WK,MK,FP)COMBO VI HIT WP/WK,FP/MK/FK,Violating InterceptMETALLIC JUSTICE: b,f+PDASHING FLAIL SWIPE: qcf,qcf+KSHIMMERING FLAIL: b,d,d+P (while jumping)*****************HIDDEN CHARACTERS*****************Unlock LICTOR finish the game with any character on normal level!Unlock NANOTAUR finish the game with Lictor on hard level!Unlock HORMAZD finish the game with any character on hard level afterNanotaur is unlocked!Unlock DAMNATIO finish the game with all characters on hard level, afterprevious hidden characters are unlocked!Press "down" when highlighting Vulcan and the plate in the middle of thecharacter selection screen will show Lictor and Damnatio.Press "down" when highlighting Caligula and the plate in the middle of thecharacter selection screen will show Nanotaur and Hormazd.******LICTOR******Molecular Dive Splinter: qcf+PDiabolic Sword Omen Strike: f,f+P (while jumping)Uncompromising Sword: qcb+PCOMBO II HIT: Diabolic Sword Omen Strike,Molecular Dive SplinterDiabolic Sword Omen Strike,Uncompromising SwordCOMBO III HIT: WK,MK,Molecular Dive SplinterMOLECULAR WAVE CRUSHER: b,f+PMOLECULAR SPLICE: qcf,qcf+PDIABOLIC SWORD SPLINTER: qcf,qcf+K********DAMNATIO********Halitus Strike: qcf+PHalitus Raise Strike: qcb+PHalitus Mortus: qcf+KDemonic Demerge: f,fCOMBO III HIT: WP/WK,MP/MK,FP/FKWP,WK,MP/MK/FP/FKd (WP/WK,MP,FP/FK)COMBO IV HIT: WP,WK,MP/MK,FP/FKCOMBO V HIT: WP,WK,MP,MK,FKDEMONIC CLAW: b,f+PDEMONIC ELECTRO DISCHARGE: qcf,qcf+PDEMONIC RAGE: qcf,qcf+K********NANOTAUR********Rising Horns: qcf+PBelzebub Strike: qcb+PDiving Horns: d,d+P (while jumping)COMBO III HIT: WP,WK,MP/MK/FP/FKWK,MK/FK,Belzebub Striked (WP/WK,MP,FK)d (WP,WK,MP/FP)COMBO IV HIT: d (WP/WK,MP,MK,FK)COMBO V HIT: d (WP,WK,WP,MK,FK)RAMPANT HORN DEVICE: b,f+PBEASTLY RAGE: qcf,qcf+KHORNY RAGE: qcf+P (while jumping)*******HORMAZD*******Flaming Feline: qcf+PDescending Despot Strike: d,d+K (while jumping)Extraction Of Faith: f,f/b,b/u,u (while jumping)COMBO III HIT: WP,WK,MP/MK/FP/FKWP/WK,MP/MK,Flaming FelineWP/WK,FP,Flaming FelineCOMBO IV HIT: WP,WK,MP/MK,Flaming Felined (WP,WK,MP),Flaming FelineCOMBO V HIT: d (WP,WK,MP,MK,FK)d (WP,WK,MP,MK),Flaming FelineFELINE TRAGEDY UPHOLD: b,f+PFELINE STRIKE: qcf,qcf+PCRUCIFIX DROP: qcf,qcf+K, then P, when above opponent**********DEBUG MODE**********Start the game with "pain.exe -DEBUGmodeON" and once in a game...F9+D Infinite health for player 1 & player 2 (or F10+D)(Very useful for practicing the moves in VS Mode.)F9+S MAX Special for player 1F10+S MAX Special for player 2F9+A player 1 wins, player 2 diesF10+A player 2 wins, player 1 diesF9+G player 1 dizzyF10+G player 2 dizzyF5 player 1 decrease healthF6 player 1 increase healthF7 player 2 decrease healthF8 player 2 increase health3 50 fps (turbo mode)4 30 fps5 25 fps (normal mode)6 10 fps9 1 fps (slow mode)8 debug information for moves (stupid)O/N zoom on/zoom off1 player 1 CPU2 player 2 CPU. player 1 performs instant Unblockable/ player 2 performs instant UnblockableM player 1 Unblockable gauge fully charged, player 2 Unblockable gauge fully chargedB shadow intensityIf you want to turn DEBUG mode off start the game with:"pain.exe -DEBUGmodeOFF"*******CREDITS*******Thank are [:)], for the names of the characters', where I found the info about DEBUG mode.*****************THING TO FIND OUT*****************Fatalities?*******THE END******* [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
