Thelema-The Law(1), Aleister Crowley

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A.U.D.C.A.L.SAN FRANCISCO(typed by Soror Alice)ANNUM LxxxSOL IN AQUARIUSLUNA IN VIRGOA PARAPHRASE OF THE INSCRIPTIONS UPONTHE OBVERSE OF THE STELE OF REVELLINGAbove, the gemmed azure isThe naked splendour of Nuit;She bends in ecstasy to kissThe secret ardours of Hadit.The winged globe, the starry blueAre mine, o Ankh-f-n-Khonsu.I am the Lord of Thebes, and IThe inspired forth-speaker of Mentu;For me unveils the veiled sky,The self-slain Ankh-f-n-KhonsuWhose words are truth. I invoke, I greetThy presence, o Ra-Hoor-Khuit!Unity uttermost showed!I adore the might of Thy breath,Supreme and terrible God,Who makest the gods and deathTo tremble before Thee:--I,I adore thee!Appear on the throne of Ra!Open the ways of the Khu!Lighten the ways of the Ka!The ways of the Khabs run throughTo stir me or still me!Aum! let it kill me!The Light is mine; its rays consumeMe: I have made a secret doorInto the House of Ra and Tum,Of Khephra, and of Ahathoor.I am thy Theban, o Mentu,The prophet Ankh-f-n-Khonsu!By Bes-na-Maut my breast I beat;By wise Ta-Nech I weave my spell.Show thy star-splendour, O Nuith!Bid me within thine House to dwell,O winged snake of light, Hadith!Abide with me, Ra-Hoor-Khuit!(next two pages are front and back of Stele)A PARAPHRASE OF THE HIEROGLYPHS OF THEII LINES UPON THE REVERSE OF THE STELESaith of Mentu the truth-telling brotherWho was master of Thebes from his birth:O heart of me, heart of my mother!O heart which I had upon earth!Stand not thou up against me a witness!Oppose me not, judge, in my quest!Accuse me not now of unfitnessBefore the Great God, the dread Lord of the West!For I fastened the one to the otherWith a spell for their mystical girth,The earth and the wonderful West,When I flourished, o earth, on the breast!The dead man Ankh-f-n-KhonsuSaith with his voice of truth and calm:O thou that hast a single arm!O thou that glitterest in the moon!I weave thee in the spinning charm;I lure thee with the billowy tune.The dead man Ankh-f-n-KhonsuHath parted from the darkling crowds,Hath joined the dwellers of the light,Opening Duant, the star-abodes,Their keys receiving.The dead man Ankh-f-n-KhonsuHath made his passage into night,His pleasure on the earth to doAmong the living.THE EQUINOX OF THE GODS.The Official Organ of the A A(pic of eye in triangle)Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.Love is the law, love under will.The word of the law isTHELEMA (in Greek)The Official Organ of the O.T.O.Deus est Homo (lamen in middle)Vol. IIIAn I xSEPTEMBER MCMXXXVI E.V.Issued by the O.T.O.A.'. A.'. Publication in Class E.(A.'. A.'. SIGIL)(O.T.O. LAMEN)(BAPHOMET'S SIGNATURE)(FOLLOWING ARE PICTURES OF ASTROLOGICAL CHARTS)||||THE NATIVITY OF FRA. P.|THE FIRST INITIATION OF FRA. P.||||||No. IIISol in Libra|||||||||||--------------------------------|-------------------------------||||||||||||||OF THE GODS| THE ANNIHILATION OF FRA. P.||||||||||||||||CONTENTSPageThe SummonsA Summary............................................................................................I3LIBER AL vel LEGISSub Figura CCXX as Delivered by XCIII==4I8 to DCLXVI ............................................I3GENESIS LIBRI AL ............................................39ILLUSTRATIONSThe Stele of RevealingFour Horoscopes........................... Frontispiece................................ Facing SummonsFirst sketch of a Qabalistic Key to Liber AL ................I38POCKETTHE COMMENTFacsimile of the MS. of Liber ALTHE SUMMONS.On April 8, 9 and I0, I904, e.v. this book was dictated to666 (Aleister Crowley) by Aiwass, a Being whose nature he doesnot fully understand, but who described Himself as "the Ministerof Hoor-Paar-Kraat" (the Lord of Silence).The contents of the book prove to strict scientific demon-stration that He possesses knowledge and power quite beyondanything that has been hitherto associated with human faculties.The circumstances of the dictation are described in theEquinox, Vol. I, No. vii: but a fuller account, with an outlineof the proof of the character of the book is now here to beissued.The book announces a New Law for mankind.It replaces the moral and religious sanctions of the past,which have everywhere broken down, by a principle valid for eachman and woman in the world, and self-evidently indefeasible.The spiritual Revolution announced by the book has alreadytaken place: hardly a country where it is not openly manifest.Ignorance of the true meaning of this new Law has led togross anarchy. Its conscious adoption in its proper sense is thesole cure for the political, social and racial unrest whichhave brought about the World War, the catastrophe of Europe andAmerica, and the threatening attitude of China, India and Islam.Its solution of the fundamental problems of mathematicsphilosophy will establish a new epoch in history.But it must not be supposed that so potent an instrumentenergy can be used without danger.andofI summon, therefore, by the power and authority entrusted tome, every great spirit and mind now on this planed incarnate totake effective hold of this transcendent force, and apply it tothe advancement of the welfare of the human race.For as the experience of these two and thirty years hasshown too terribly, the book cannot be ignored. It has leavenedMankind unaware: and Man must make thereof the Bread of Life.Its ferment has begun to work on the grape of thought: Man must [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
