The Modern Dispatch 056 - Executive Solutions, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch
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Executive Solutions
By Michael Tresca
NOTE: This article, while usable on its own, is
best used with Ronin Arts’ Modern: Mercenary
Manual, also by Michael Tresca.
“Mr. Roberts will see you now.”
Bristol nodded. Then he took a deep breath and
walked towards the glass doors that parted as he
When he entered, Bristol felt like he was walking
into someone’s living room rather than the office of
the most powerful security organization in the world.
He walked in, not knowing what to do with
himself. Roberts was quietly tapping away on a
laptop, his back to him. He was behind a massive
desk. All Bristol could see was the closely cropped
“Hi Jack, please excuse my back. The press
misquoted me and made our last contract out to be a
million dollars higher than it really was. If I don’t fix
it we’ll never get another deal.”
Bristol tried to mutter something. He put his hands
in his pockets.
Another minute of typing passed.
“Have a seat over there on the couch Jack.”
Bristol sat down gingerly on the leather couch.
There was a red folder on the table. The tab read,
Corporal Bristol was sweating. He had good reason.
He had been called into a meeting with the
CEO. The CEO rarely conducted one on ones with
anybody. Those were usually reserved for the high
potentials. Bristol knew he wasn’t a high potential.
Not anymore, anyway.
Bristol knew a few other guys who had been
called up to the top floor. There was Harry and that
knife fight. Jesse and his indiscretion with one of
the grunts. Ted and his infamous civilian accident.
A few others. They were very tight-lipped about
what happened, probably because they signed a non-
disclosure agreement.
Bristol stood nervously in the cramped elevator.
Every floor they stopped at on the way up was agony.
He wore his best suit, but he didn’t wear it well. he
was more accustomed to wearing fatigues in the field
than a suit in the office.
Other Executive Solutions hacks tried not to stare
at him too closely. As the elevator reached the higher
floors, Bristol could tell they were wondering what
was up. At the floor just before the CEO’s level, gave
him a thumbs up and muttered, “Good luck.”
It sounded more like a eulogy.
Bristol bit his lip. He knew this had to be about
Brendan. He knew what he was going to say too.
The door whisked open with a metallic woosh of
The gorgeous blonde at the desk, her hair back in a
tight bun, peered over at him through her glasses.
“Corporal Bristol?”
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“Bristol, Jack” on it.
Finally, Roberts got up and sauntered over to sit
across from him on an equally posh leather recliner.
He leaned back into the seat.
“So Jack. How’s it going?”
Bristol swallowed. “Fine, Mr. Roberts. Thank you
for asking. And yourself?”
Roberts nodded.
“Fine, fine. Look, Jack. I asked you up here
because you did something extraordinary that I
haven’t seen in a long time.”
This was it. “You mean Sergeant Brendan.”
Roberts paused. “No. I mean the personnel
“You willingly surrendered a personnel carrier.
That’s thousands of credits we handed over to
Deadline, Inc. Our direct competitor. But were one
of our high performers. So I’m not willing to give up
on you just yet.”
Bristol relaxed. So that was it. Money. He should
have known.
“Your pay will be docked for the amount.”
That wasn’t so bad.
“Yes sir,” he said after Roberts didn’t say anything.
Roberts leaned forward. Bristol noticed for the
first time that he had piercing dishwater gray eyes.
He never saw the man’s eyes because he always wore
sunglasses when he wasn’t in the office.
“And I’m putting you on a sixty-day plan.”
The sixty-day plan. It meant Bristol was in trouble.
He was on official warning. If he screwed up, he
would be kicked out of the company. His every move
would be watched.
“Understood sir,” Bristol said with less confidence.
Roberts reached forward and opened the folder. He
took a gold pen out of his front pocket and placed it
on the papers.
“I need you to sign this.” He smiled for a second
and then added. “You can read it if you like.”
Bristol knew better. He didn’t add insult to injury
by poring over the documentation. He signed.
Bristol had heard of such documents before. He was
quite sure that he signed something that allowed
them to fire him if he screwed up without resorting to
Roberts stood up and put his hand out. Bristol
sprang up out of the couch and shook it. It was a firm
“There, that wasn’t so bad. I know you’ll turn this
around soon.”
Bristol forced a smile. Whatever, he just wanted to
get the hell out of there. He started to walk out.
“Oh, and Jack?”
He paused and turned.
“Take better care of my vehicles next time,”
Roberts said with the slightest hint of menace in his
voice, “they’re not yours to give.”
“Yes sir,” Bristol muttered. Then he got the hell
out of there.
despite Executive Solutions’ claims, some of their
mercenaries have been involved in attempting
A mercenary organization that provides a
full range of military services.
A conglomerate of 12 companies and
50 subsidiaries.
The stylized letters “ES” inside a circle.
Most Common Allegiance(s):
Requisition Limit:
(50) military.
Executive Solutions provides the full gamut of
services, including advisory training, battle strategies,
combat air patrol, clandestine warfare, medical aid,
special forces, sniper training, equipment capabilities,
and armored warfare.
Executive Solutions’ reputation is self-
perpetuating. Everyone believes it must be a great
organization since it’s so huge and that it got that
way by being the best company there is. This isn’t
really true, but the press is enamored with Executive
Solutions. It doesn’t hurt that one of the companies
Executive Solutions owns is a media broadcasting
Jeremy Roberts, certainly a pseudonym, was once
an intelligence officer in South Africa. He has many
contacts in the South African military and regularly
recruits from the corps there. Roberts isn’t just the
captain; he’s also the CEO. Sometimes, the second
title is more powerful than the first.
The CEO and de facto leader of Executive
Solutions is, not surprisingly, the image of the
ultimate executive. Behind his back, some call him
the uberexecutive. To his face, they call him sir.
Executive Solutions (ES) was formed in 1989
and registered in South Africa and Great Britain. It
is the most powerful mercenary force on the planet,
owning two oil fields and even its own air force.
Executive Solutions has its tentacles in a wide variety
of businesses, with 50 subsidiaries that range from
computer software to adult education. It also has
several mining interests.
It specializes in military expertise to achieve
security and stability in any region. Executive
Solutions achieves this goal through the deployment
of trained military veterans. Executive Solutions
avoids working for rebellions or religious factions
and purports to work exclusively for legitimate
governments and businesses, as defined by the
United Nations. There have been accusations that
Involving the Heroes
Executive Solutions can act as the all-powerful force,
reinforcing new mercenaries and training them like
a regular military group. On the other hand, they are
also the ultimate corporate villains, smiling in dark
suits with a contract in one hand and a gun in the
other. Due to their extensive resources and influence,
the likelihood of a mercenary company crossing
Executive Solutions is very high.
Executive Solutions wisely does not keep a
permanent standing force during times of peace.
Instead, its personnel are scattered to other military
firms and contract work until required. Executive
Solutions runs itself like organizations of the past. It
doesn’t use specialist teams; it uses ten man grunts
led by a corporal. Occasionally, a specialist will lead
the team instead. Additionally, Executive Solutions
maintains a database of over 2,000 soldiers who it
can call upon if need be.
Roberts is a firm believer in retaining his top
performers and getting rid of his bottom 10%. He
routinely fires anyone who does not perform up to
expectations and keeps a rigorous skill assessment
system in place to ensure mercenaries are the best in
their game. This makes for a hard driving, no holds
barred culture that cultivates only the most cutthroat,
devious, and aggressive mercenaries. It also makes
Executive Solutions the ultimate mercenary training
ground, if one can stand the heat.
Roberts only controls the military operations. In
reality, The Board backs the company. The Board
consists of twelve CEOs from the various companies
that constitute the actual power behind Executive
Solutions and also explains how the company
manages to have so much influence. The twelve
companies pool their resources together and utilize
Executive Solutions to further their own aims. It
is the ultimate monopoly nightmare. Each CEO’s
Charisma (18 or higher) adds to the company’s
Leadership Pool.
Executive Solutions has more resources than any
mercenary company to date and more than some
small countries. Military equipment is never an
obstacle. Executive Solutions purchases equipment
built to last that is easily maintainable.
Executive Solutions’ reach is long. It is affiliated
with over 50 different subsidiaries, ranging from
diamond and gold mining operations to computer
software and air transport. Although Executive
Solutions’ primary service is military capabilities,
it actively mines for gold and drills oil in a variety
of third world countries. In conjunction with its
operations, a security force of mercenaries always
goes along with it.
Salaries for Executive Solutions vary, but can
be up to 1,300 credits per month, depending on
experience and area of expertise. Instructors are
paid substantially less, around 250 credits monthly,
while pilots receive considerably more, at nearly 700
credits a month. When performing their duties in
dangerous work, the salaries increase proportionally.
Executive Solutions does provide life insurance for
its mercenaries.
Thanks to its multiple mining facilities and
companies, Executive Solutions makes in excess of
3 million credits annually. In essence, Executive
Solutions has a limitless budget.
Executive Solutions’ power is unparalleled
amongst other mercenary companies due its air force.
It has several jumbo jets at its disposal, capable of
transporting troops anywhere in the world. It also
has access to fighter jets and fully armed gunships.
In short, Executive Solutions has the firepower of a
full-fledged military force on the land and in the air.
Despite its formidable resources, Executive Solutions
always makes contractual requirements for necessary
arms and weapons.
Using Executive Solutions
Executive Solutions can be a cutting edge mercenary
company in a Modern campaign or a futuristic
conglomerate in a Futuristic campaign. The CEO,
Jeremy Roberts, has a cybernetic implant and an
advanced class for Executive Solutions officers in the
As enemies, Executive Solutions make the
ultimate bad guys. They have more resources, better
intelligence, and a lot more firepower than small
nations. Heroes will always be looking over their
shoulders and Executive Solutions will never be far
As employers, Executive Solutions is a self-
contained world of skullduggery and backstabbing,
lies and videotape. Every employee is closely
monitored and, as he or she ascends in the ranks,
receives more and more cybernetics that also allows
the company to track the employee’s activities. There
is also plenty of room for corporate intrigue as the
heroes struggle with the morality of global and local
As rivals, Executive Solutions mercenaries are
ruthless. They have no qualms about lying or
bullying the competition and have enough corporate
lawyers to defend their activities afterwards.
Bases of Operations
Jeremy Roberts, CEO of Executive Solutions,
works out of his corporate tower in New York. The
company owns the entire skyscraper and prides
itself on the sleek style created by famous architects
nobody remembers.
Learning About Executive
The heroes can gather information about Executive
Solutions through the use of the Knowledge
(business) or Research skills. The charts below
represent the amount of detail a hero can collect by
using each skill.
Research checks represent a hero’s ability to collect
data about an organization through fact-finding
efforts like trips to the library and browsing the
DC 1:
Executive Solutions is made up of 12 core
DC 5:
Executive Solutions provides the full
gamut of services, including advisory training, battle
strategies, combat air patrol, clandestine warfare,
medical aid, special forces, sniper training, equipment
capabilities, and armored warfare.
DC 10:
Executive Solutions is affiliated with over
50 different subsidiaries, ranging from diamond and
gold mining operations to computer software and air
DC 15:
Although Executive Solutions’ primary
service is military capabilities, it actively mines
for gold and drills oil in a variety of third world
DC 20:
Thanks to its multiple mining facilities and
companies, Executive Solutions makes in excess of 3
million credits annually
DC 25:
Executive Solutions has access to jumbo
jets, fighter jets and fully armed gunships.
DC 30:
Executive Solutions maintains a database
of over 2,000 soldiers who it can call upon if need be.
Jeremy Roberts (Charismatic Hero 5/ES Officer
CR 12; Medium-size human; HD 5d6+0 plus
7d8+0; HP 50; Mas 10; Init +6; Spd 30 ft; Defense
18, touch 18, flatfooted 16 (+0 size, +2 Dex, +6
class); BAB +9; Grap +9; Atk +9 melee (1d6+0,
weapon), or +11 ranged (1d6+0, weapon); FS 5 ft by
5 ft; Reach 5 ft; SQ Nightvision optics; AL Executive
Solutions; SV Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +9; AP 6; Rep
+9; Str 11, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 17, Wis 13, Cha 12.
Military (bonus class skills:
Demolitions, Knowledge (tactics)).
Balance +3, Bluff +11, Climb +3, Computer
Use +5, Craft (electronic) +4, Craft (mechanical) +4,
Demolitions +5, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +6,
Disguise +3, Drive +6, Escape Artist +3, Forgery
+6, Gather Information +9, Hide +5, Intimidate
+9, Investigate +4, Jump +3, Knowledge (Current
Events) +7, Knowledge (Tactics) +9, Knowledge
(Technology) +4, Listen +2, Move Silently +5,
Navigate +4, Pilot +3, Profession +3, Repair +4,
Research +4, Search +5, Sense Motive +5, Sleight
of Hand +4, Spot +4, Survival +2, Swim +2, Treat
Injury +2, Tumble +4
Armor Proficiency (light), Armor
Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (powered),
Deceptive, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will,
Leadership, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Renown,
Talents (Charismatic Hero):
Coordinate, Charm.
Talents (ES Officer):
Leadership (ES Officer),
Uncanny Survival, Tactical Expertise, August
Leadership, Tactical Mastery.
Knowledge (Business)
Executive Solutions is a publicly traded company that
produces an annual report. As a result, there’s a lot
to know about the mercenary company that might not
normally be available. Of course, nobody ever said it
was all true…
DC 1:
Jeremy Roberts is CEO of Executive
DC 5:
Executive Solutions is a massive
conglomerate that provides a full range of military
DC 10:
One of the companies Executive Solutions
owns is a media broadcasting company, and it uses its
influence to control the press.
DC 15:
Jeremy Roberts, certainly a pseudonym,
was once an intelligence officer in South Africa.
DC 20:
Executive Solutions has a policy in place
to remove the “bottom 10% performers” of its
organization—it annually drops employees who don’t
make the cut.
DC 25:
The Board of Directors consists of twelve
CEOs from the various companies that constitute the
actual power behind Executive Solutions and also
explains how the company manages to have so much
DC 30:
Executive Solutions employees who
seriously screw up a mission have been known to
mysteriously disappear.
Roberts is considered by some to be a corporate
drone. His broad frame is always in a plain blue
or black suit with a sensible tie. His close-cropped
hair and otherwise angular, bland features makes
him more akin to a featureless robot. Amongst his
suck ups and peons, he is virtually indistinguishable,
which is the way Roberts likes it. He is also never
without his amber-tinted sunglasses.
Nightvision Optics
Early in his career, Roberts lost his sight but the
company replaced it with cybernetic darkvision. His
eyes were replaced with ocular implants that enable
Roberts to see better in the dark.
Roberts gains darkvision out to a range of
60 feet.
Hardness/Hit Points:
–/2 (per eye).
Base Purchase DC:
Base Attack
Uncanny survival
Bonus feat
Tactical expertise
August leadership
ES Officer
The Executive Solutions officer corps possesses
background and experience in everything from
assassinations to guerilla warfare.
Bonus feat
Tactical mastery
Commanding presence
Bonus feat
Action trust
To qualify to become an ES Officer, a character must
fulfill the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus:
Diplomacy 6 ranks, Knowledge (tactics) 6
Personal Firearms Proficiency.
Class Features
The following class features pertain to the ES Officer
advanced class.
By providing supervision and
guidance, an ES Officer can improve an ally’s
chances of succeeding at a skill check. Instead of
making a skill check to aid another, the ES Officer
makes a Diplomacy check (DC 10). He cannot
take 10 or take 20 on the check. Success grants a
competence bonus on the ally’s skill check equal
to the ES Officer’s Charisma bonus or Reputation
bonus, whichever is greater. The ally must be within
sight and hearing distance of the ES Officer and must
be able to understand him. AN ES Officer cannot use
this ability on himself.
Uncanny Survival:
Beginning at 2nd level, an ES
Officer can add one-half his class level to his Defense
for 1 round, once per day. (The bonus applies to the
ES Officer’s touch and flat-footed Defense, as well.)
He must declare he is doing this at the beginning of
his turn, and the Defense bonus lasts until his next
round of actions.
Bonus Feats:
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th level, the ES
Officer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be
selected from the following list, and the ES Officer
must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it:
Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Armor Proficiency
(light), Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor
Proficiency (heavy), Armor Proficiency (powered),
Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron
Will, Mobility, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Renown,
Shot on the Run.
Tactical Expertise:
Starting at 4th level, as a
full-round action, an ES Officer can use his tactical
knowledge to coordinate allies. Allies to be affected
must be within sight and hearing distance of the ES
Officer and must be able to understand him.
The ES Officer must make a Knowledge (tactics)
check with a DC equal to 15 + the number of allies
affected. He cannot take 10 or take 20 on the check.
If the check succeeds, all affected allies gain a
competence bonus on attack rolls or a dodge bonus to
Defense equal to the ES Officer’s Reputation bonus.
The ES Officer chooses which of the two benefits
to impart and must impart the same benefit to all
affected allies. The benefits last for 1 round. If the
check fails, the ES Officer’s allies gain no benefit, but
the action is still spent. AN ES Officer cannot apply
the benefits of this ability to himself.
August Leadership:
The ES Officer gains this
ability at 5th level. It works like the leadership ability
(see above), except the ES Officer adds his Charisma
bonus and his Reputation bonus to the ally’s skill
Class Information
The following information pertains to the ES Officer
advanced class.
Hit Die:
The ES Officer gains 1d8 hit points per
level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.
Action Points:
The ES Officer gains a number of
action points equal to 6 + one-half his character level,
rounded down, every time he attains a new level in
this class.
Class Skills:
The ES Officer’s class skills are as
follows: Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy
(Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha),
Knowledge (behavioral sciences, civics, history,
physical sciences, tactics, theology and philosophy),
Read/Write Language (none), Sense Motive (Wis),
Speak Language (none).
Skill Points at Each Level:
5 + Int modifier (4 +
Int modifier for nonhumans).
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