The Modern Dispatch 064 - Mecha Defects & Quirks, Podreczniki RPG, The Modern Dispatch
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Mecha Defects and Quirks
by Phil Reed
Modern Dispatch
issue presents options
for mecha created using the rules in the
Future SRD. These rules are completely
optional and must be approved by the
campaign’s GM before they
can be used. The defects
and quirks detailed in this
PDF should be used as a
springboard for the creation
of new defects and quirks.
Open Game
All of the text in
this PDF, with the
exception of the
product identity, is
presented as open
game content. While
this means absolutely
nothing to your campaign it does
give other publishers permission to
use this material as long as they
follow the open game license
(see the end of this PDF).
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
United States and other countries and are used
with permission. ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20
System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy
of this License can be found at www.wizards.
About the Author
Philip Reed has been working
professionally in the roleplaying game
industry since 1995. In that time he
has worked for such companies
as Atlas Games, Privateer
The mecha is constructed of wood
or similar flammable material. All fire attacks
against the mecha inflict double damage and the
critical threat range of fire weapons is increased by
2 when used against a flammable mecha.
A Corona Microwave Beam fired at a flammable
weapon inflicts 10d6 damage and threatens a critical
on a roll of 18-20.)
The armor’s purchase DC is reduced by
one-half (round down).
Press, and
magazine. Today Philip spends
his days at home running Ronin Arts, writing and
designing new games, and watching DVDs. To learn
more about Philip Reed – and Ronin Arts – please
Reputation. Additionally, all of this hangar time has
enabled the techs to customize the mecha, adding 1
equipment slot to the mecha’s torso.
High Ground Pressure
The contact area of the mecha’s legs
(or wheels or tracks if equipped with the necessary
equipment) is slight compared to the mecha’s weight.
Consequently, the mecha tends to sink into the
ground. The mecha will bog down in any swamp,
deep snow, or mud (no movement). It moves at one-
half speed (round down) when crossing sand, light
snow, or soggy ground.
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2.
Defects represent design flaws that all mecha in a
series possess. By selecting defects a mecha designer
burdens his new design with a defect – usually minor
but sometimes substantially dangerous – that is off-
set by a modification to some other aspect of the
mecha (such as a decrease in the mecha’s purchase
DC or possibly an extra equipment slot or two).
A mecha design may have no more than three total
the GM specifically gives permission
for a mecha design to include a larger number of
defects. This is
recommended, though it could
prove entertaining for a unique mecha design that’s
intended more as campaign flavor than actual combat
Glass Canopy
The mecha has a large canopy that
does not protect against attacks aimed through it.
This may not be taken in conjunction with the Open
Defect. By taking a –6 penalty on an attack roll an
attacker may target the mecha’s canopy, ignoring the
mecha’s hardness and hit points and applying damage
directly to the mecha’s pilot on a successful attack.
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2.
Naked Operator
The mecha’s pilot must be naked
in order to operate the mecha. This Defect occurs
surprisingly often in anime. The naked pilot is
usually floating in some sort of neural-interface tank,
often with strategically placed electrodes or tubes
connecting them to the mecha’s life system. The
disadvantage of this, aside from embarrassment, is
the time it takes to get dressed before exiting the
Because the system adapts so perfectly
to the human operator, the mecha’s pilot gains a +2
equipment bonus on all Drive, Pilot, and movement-
related skill checks.
[Direction]-Optimised Armor
The equipment bonus to Defense
granted by the mecha’s armor protects against attacks
from one direction (usually front-optimised) only.
Attacks from other directions (for example, the side,
rear, top, and bottom) have an equipment bonus to
Defense equal to one-half the armor’s listed value
(round down).
The armor’s purchase DC is reduced by
one-quarter (round down). Additionally, the armor’s
effective progress level – for purposes of cost – is
reduced by one.
(Example: Duralloy Armor, typically
PL 6, is treated as PL 5 for purposes of cost if this
defect is applied to the mecha.)
Hangar Queen
The mecha requires extra careful
maintenance to work properly and spends much
of its time in a garage, shop, port, etc. undergoing
repairs. For every hour the mecha was used, it should
be given at least an hour of maintenance. If the
mecha does not get this maintenance time the pilot
suffers a –1 penalty to all skill, attack, and damage
rolls for each hour of maintenance the mecha is
deficient. (Example: A mecha with this defect that
was run for eight hours but only received one hour of
maintenance imposes a –7 penalty to its pilot.) This
penalty is negated once the maintenance time and
operation time balance out.
The mecha is well known and grants
anyone that pilots it a +4 equipment bonus to
Noisy or Very Noisy
The mecha is noisier than an ordinary
person. A noisy mecha is also detected more easily
by sonar or Listen checks. A noisy mecha can never
attempt to Move Silently.
“Noisy” means the mecha is as noisy as an
ordinary automotive engine. Opponents gain a +10
circumstance bonus on Listen checks to notice it
Start-Up Time
If the mecha is shut down, a character
cannot just climb into it and blast off cold – the
power plant requires 4d4+5 rounds to warm up. Start-
Up Time should only be taken for mecha that have
Reduced Endurance
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2.
“Very Noisy” means the mecha is as noisy as an
aircraft engine. Opponents gain a +20 circumstance
bonus on Listen checks to notice it.
The mecha’s noise grants the pilot a +1
equipment bonus to Intimidate checks (+2 for a
very noisy mecha). Additionally, the lack of sound
dampening equipment reduces the mecha’s base
purchase DC by 1 (by 2 for a very noisy mecha). The
loss of sound dampening increases the mecha’s total
number of equipment slots by 1 (2 for a very noisy
mecha); this bonus slot can be in any location on the
mecha of the designer’s choosing.
at a time, like a sailing ship or nuclear submarine,
provided supplies of food and water are available.
If the mecha must refuel or recharge before then
(something that should take at least half an hour of
effort) it has Reduced Endurance. A mecha with this
drawback must be refueled once every week in order
to remain operational.
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2.
Fuel, a boiler, or ammunition may
explode if the mecha is disabled or destroyed. Any
time the mecha suffers damage there is a percentage
chance (equal to the amount of damage suffered) that
the attack scored a volatile hit, igniting an explosion
deep within the mecha’s body. This explosion inflicts
a number of d6 of damage equal to the mecha’s
hardness to the mecha, any characters or creatures
within the mecha, and all objects and characters
within a number of feet of the mecha equal to 2x its
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 4. Additionally, the mecha has one additional
equipment slot in each arm (a total of +2 equipment
Service Crew
The mecha is complex enough that
it requires a crew of engineers to perform regular
maintenance. Service crew are in addition to any
Operators (pilot, commander, equipment operators, or
gunners). The mecha must have sufficient passenger
occupancy to carry that many crew. If a mecha loses
service crew it will not stop functioning (provided
there is someone to pilot it), but it will not run
For each 25% a mecha is undercrewed (round up),
the GM can impose a -2 penalty on all Skill checks
the pilot or crew make when operating the mecha. A
short, overworked crew is also more likely to make
mistakes, leading to equipment breakdowns.
A mecha with this defect requires a number of service
crew members based on its size.
The mecha’s does not adequately
protect the crew or passengers, only the mecha itself;
the mecha provides one-half cover to crew and
passengers, or no cover if the mecha is the same size
or smaller than the rider.
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2. By removing protective coverings the mecha’s
number of torso equipment slots increases by 1.
Poor Visibility
The mecha’s pilot has very poor
visibility, due to small or no windows and a lack of
compensating sensors, or other problems. The only
way to get unrestricted vision is to actually stick
one’s head out a hatch or window (leaving one with
only half cover, as per the Open defect). Otherwise,
attempts to spot something visually from inside are at
-2 if looking directly forward and -4 if looking in any
other direction.
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2.
Weak Point
Due to a flaw in the design, there
is a weak point in the mecha. If an attacker knows
where it is (this requires a successful; Knowledge
(technology) check (DC 15 + the mecha’s PL) an
attack to that point is much more likely to cripple or
destroy the mecha. A strike against the weak point
ignores the mecha’s hardness and inflicts 50% more
damage (round up).
The mecha gains one additional
equipment slot (torso).
Number of Service Crew Required
* A mecha of this size cannot have this defect.
Due to the mecha’s advanced, complex
design all sensor checks (Computer Use, see the
future SRD) are made at a +4 equipment bonus.
Reduced Endurance
The default assumption is a mecha
has an indefinite range — it can operate for months
While defects are shared amongst all mecha of a
particular design quirks are unique to each individual
mecha, the result of customization. A mecha may
possess both quirks and defects, though contradictory
elements may never be combined in the same design.
A mecha can possess any number of quirks, though
it is suggested that a single mecha have no more than
two quirks.
No Cargo Space
The mecha has been rebuilt so many times, by so
many people, that all of its cargo space is devoted to
important systems.
While the title may be misleading,
it’s not completely inaccurate. The mecha’s cargo
capacity (see the future SRD) is equal to a design two
size levels smaller than the mecha’s actual size. If this
takes the mecha to a size smaller than large is has no
cargo space.
The mecha gains two additional
(equivalent) equipment slots.
–2 to Reputation while piloting this mecha. Repairing
the mecha’s appearance requires 80 hours of work,
ten DC 20 Repair checks, and has a purchase DC of
one-half the mecha’s original purchase DC.
Looks can be deceiving. While the
mecha’s previous owners have never taken the time
to maintain the machine’s appearance they’ve sunk
a lot of time and credits into the mecha itself. The
mecha gains a +5 ft. bonus to speed. If its appearance
is repaired the mecha retains this benefit.
Black Market Tech
The mecha uses a surprising number of
components that were purchased on the black market,
making the entire design illegal. The mecha’s pilot
frequently finds himself working to hide the fact that
a significant number of systems onboard the mecha
are both illegal to possess and stolen.
In addition to the legal troubles
that could impact the pilot if the illegal gear were
discovered the systems are prone to failure. At the
beginning of each mission a random system onboard
the mecha sparks and sputters, dropping to 50%
efficiency until repaired. Repairing an affected
system requires twelve hours and a DC 25 Repair
When initially purchased by the player the
purchase DC of any components of a PL one higher
than the campaign’s current PL are not increased (see
Progress Levels in the futuristic SRD).
Electrical Short
A side-effect of too many patched systems, the
mecha’s electrical system frequently shorts out
– especially at the most inopportune of moments.
Once per hour there is a 5% chance
that the mecha’s electrical system will fail, shutting
down a vital piece of equipment. If this happens a
random sensor, weapon, or electronic-based defense
or miscellaneous system fails to operate for 2d4+1
hours. A successful Repair check (DC 20), requiring
one hour of time, will correct the problem. Otherwise
the pilot will just have to wait for the system to
correct itself.
The mecha gains a single bonus
equipment slot that must be used for any electronic-
based system. The GM’s word is final in the event of
disputes regarding what is and is not allowed in this
bonus slot.
Structural Flaws
After years of combat the mecha’s structure is flawed,
suffering from thousands of cracks and fractures.
The mecha’s hardness is reduced
by 50%. Repairing this damage is impossible – the
very frame of the mecha is damaged.
The mecha’s combat computers, as old as
the mecha itself, have been updated by each pilot that
has ever owned it and today these computers grant
the pilot a +2 circumstance bonus to initiative and
attack rolls.
Temperamental Engine Core
The mecha’s engine core, having been cobbled
together from stolen and cast-off military hardware,
sometimes gives out – especially when pushed to its
operational limits. The problem is untraceable and
permanent – the only way to repair the problem is to
completely replace the engine with an off-the-shelf
Once per turn, if the mecha is
moving more than one-half its maximum speed, roll
1d20. If the result is equal to or less than the number
of squares moved that round + the number of rounds
One of the mecha’s legs has a bad rotator, giving the
machine a distinctive, hindered stride.
The mecha’s base speed is reduced
by 5 ft.
The mecha’s base purchase DC is reduced
by 2.
Dents and Bruises
While many mecha are kept in pristine condition,
constantly repaired after each battle, this particular
mecha is covered in dents, scratches, dings, and all of
its paint and insignia is flaking off.
Well, this is certainly a most
unimpressive looking machine. A character suffers a
Unfortunate Weapon Failure
The mecha’s weapon systems have been
scrounged from military wreckage and each
one has been overcharged with blackmarket
components. Sometimes these second-hand, heavily-
modified systems do not function according to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
Each time a weapon onboard the
mecha is fired there is a 5% chance that the weapon
will overload and shutdown, leaving the weapon
worthless until repaired. A DC 20 Repair check
– requiring one hour of work – is required to fix an
overloaded weapon system. Additionally, each time
a weapon is successfully fired roll a six-sided die
– on an even roll reduce the attack’s damage by the
amount rolled and on an odd roll increase the attack’s
damage by the amount rolled.
A mecha with this quirk carries an
additional number of equipment slots, the exact
number determined by the mecha’s size. Consult the
following chart for specifics.
the mecha has been moving, the engine fails and the
mecha is immobilized. Repairing the engine core
requires a DC 25 Repair check and takes 1d4+1
minutes. Reduce the Repair DC by 5 for each failed
attempt at restarting the mecha’s engine.
Increase the mecha’s speed by 10 ft..
Underpowered Engine Core
The mecha’s engine core, old and abused, no longer
performs at its original specifications, leaving the
mecha much slower than it should be.
The mecha’s base speed is
permanently reduced by 50% (round down).
Completely replacing the engine core requires 40
hours of work, 10 successful DC 20 Repair checks,
and a full repair bay or garage. The replacement
engine core has a purchase DC equal to one-half the
mecha’s base purchase DC.
Though the mecha’s engine core is old and
rundown, at some point in the past one of the mecha’s
owners rerouted to the power supplies, bleeding a
significant portion of the engine’s power into the
mecha’s energy-based weapon systems. All such
weapons, like a microwave beam or laser, inflicts
+25% damage (round up) with each shot. If the
mecha’s engine core is replaced this benefit is lost.
Number of Bonus Equipment Slots
These bonus equipment slots can only be used for
weapon systems.
Artwork from Image Portfolio © Louis Porter,,Jr.
Design.All Rights Reserved.Used under license.
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