The Blackstone Affair 1 - Naked,

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//-->NakedThe Blackstone Affair Part 1Raine MillerMRaine Miller Romance©This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of theauthor’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.Copyright © 2012 by Raine Miller. All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic formwithout permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials inviolation of author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.Published by Raine Miller Romance©Cover by Kim Killion, Hot Damn DesignsThe author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of thefollowing wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction: Ferragamo; Advil; Power Bar; Land Rover;Range Rover; London Underground; Boots; Sheppy’s Cider; Jolly Rancher; Klik-Klaks; Charbonnelet Walker; Tommy Hilfiger Dreaming; University of London; London 2012 Olympic Games; JimiHendrix; Eminem; Rihanna;Love the Way You Lie;Crime & Investigation Network; Google;Wikipedia; iPod; Van Gogh Vodka; Djarum Black; Dos Equis;The KnowledgeFranziskaMy dear friend, this is for you…Truth! stark naked truth, is the word.John Cleland, 1749AcknowledgementsThe idea forNakedis something I feel I should share with my readers. You never know whatwill spark initiative for a story, and for me, the seed of inspiration forThe Blackstone Affairwas atotal surprise. While looking for stock images one afternoon for another story as a potential bookcover, I stumbled upon the photo of a nude woman in a tasteful pose—the image that’s on the cover ofthis book right now. I was so taken with it I had to sit down and write. Within an hour I had the firstchapter of Brynne, the model, meeting Ethan, the man who’d just bought a portrait of her naked self.The story had me in its grip by this point and I was totally lost in it. My other projects had to be setaside so I could devote my time to writing this new series. And I consider it a blessing becausefinding the photograph that day pushed me to create this exciting world and these very specialcharacters ofThe Blackstone Affair.I love being able to invent the people in my books. Thank youto Kim Killion of Hot Damn Designs for creating such a rockin’ cover to accompany this story. ToKathe for finding the font. She was relentless.Now with that being said, I want to thank a few people for the kind words, help, support,questions, advice, enthusiasm, pats on the back, hand-holding, drive-by-love-bombs, and just goodold fashioned friendship, for without it, I would not have this book to share, nor would being a writerbe something that I love as much as I do. So, to Franzi, Bels, Stacie, Angel, Lisa, Kristy, TJ,Rebecca, Donna, Ai-vy, Mandy, Melina, Rhonda, Lacey, Sherie, Sarah, Carolyn, Kristin, Michelle,Colleen and my three guys: *Muah*Love you much, respect you more.Raine [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
