The Evolution of Englishes. The Dynamic Model and Beyond (eds.S.Buschfeld&T.Hoffmann&M.Huber&A.Kautzsch), ...

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he Evolution of Englishes
Varieties of English Around the World (VEAW)
A companion monograph series devoted to sociolinguistic research, surveys
and annotated text collections. he VEAW series is divided into two parts: a
text series contains carefully selected specimens of Englishes documenting
the coexistence of regional, social, stylistic and diachronic varieties in a
particular region; and a general series which contains outstanding studies
in the ield, collections of papers devoted to one region or written by one
scholar, bibliographies and other reference works.
For an overview of all books published in this series, please see
Stephanie Hackert
University of Munich (LMU)
Editorial Board
Manfred Görlach
Rajend Mesthrie
University of Cape Town
Peter L. Patrick
University of Essex
Edgar W. Schneider
University of Regensburg
Peter Trudgill
University of Fribourg
Walt Wolfram
North Carolina State University
Volume G49
he Evolution of Englishes. he Dynamic Model and beyond
Edited by Sarah Buschfeld, homas Hofmann, Magnus Huber
and Alexander Kautzsch
he Evolution of Englishes
he Dynamic Model and beyond
Edited by
Sarah Buschfeld
University of Regensburg
homas Hofmann
University of Osnabrück
Magnus Huber
Justus Liebig University Giessen
Alexander Kautzsch
University of Regensburg
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Amsterdam / Philadelphia
he paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of
the American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence
of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
he Evolution of Englishes : he Dynamic Model and beyond / Edited by Sarah Buschfeld,
homas Hofmann, Magnus Huber and Alexander Kautzsch.
p. cm. (Varieties of English Around the World, issn 0172-7362 ; v. G49)
Festschrit for Edgar Schneider on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Schneider, Edgar W. (Edgar Werner), 1954- 2. English language--Variation--English-
speaking countries. 3. English language--Variation--Foreign countries.
4.  English language--English-speaking countries. 5. English language--Foreign
countries. 6. Communication, International. 7. Intercultural communication.
I. Buschfeld, Sarah, editor. II. Hofmann, homas, 1976- editor. III. Huber,
Magnus, editor. IV. Kautzsch, Alexander, 1969- editor. V. Schneider, Edgar W.
(Edgar Werner), 1954- honouree.
PE2751.E96 2014
427--dc23 2014022647
isbn 978 90 272 4909 8 (Hb ; alk. paper)
isbn 978 90 272 6941 6 ( Eb)
© 2014 – John Benjamins B.V.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microilm, or any
other means, without written permission from the publisher.
John Benjamins Publishing Co. · P.O. Box 36224 · 1020 me Amsterdam · he Netherlands
John Benjamins North America · P.O. Box 27519 · Philadelphia pa 19118-0519 · usa
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