The Language Of Life - How Cells Communicate In Health & Disease - D. Niehoff (2005) WW, English medicine

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Debra Niehoff
Joseph Henry Press
Washington, D.C.
Joseph Henry Press • 500 Fifth Street, NW • Washington, DC 20001
The Joseph Henry Press, an imprint of the National Academies Press,
was created with the goal of making books on science, technology,
and health more widely available to professionals and the public.
Joseph Henry was one of the founders of the National Academy of
Sciences and a leader in early American science.
Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed
in this volume are those of the author and do not necessarily re-
flect the views of the National Academy of Sciences or its affiliated
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Niehoff, Debra.
The language of life : how cells communicate in health and disease
/ Debra Niehoff.
p. ; cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-309-08989-1 (cloth)
1. Cell interaction—Popular works.
[DNLM: 1. Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins—physi-
ology. 2. Paracrine Communication—physiology. QH 604.2
N666L 2005] I. Title.
QH604.2.N54 2005

Cover design by Michele de la Menardiere; Nerve Cell Culture im-
SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Text illustrations by Michael Linkinhoker,
Link Studio LLC.
Copyright 2005 by Debra Niehoff. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
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