The New Japan Debunking Seven Cultural Stereotypes, Języki Nauka, Japoński, Japoński

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//-->Praise forThe New Japan: DebunkingSeven Cultural StereotypesThe New Japanis definitely recommended as an in-sightful textbook for cultural studies for Japanese col-lege students who now search for their own culturalidentity in a drastically transforming world…. [T]heauthor’s unique discussion for creating an individual-istic collectivism for Japan’s future is tremendously edu-cational for international students as well.—Akio InoueProfessor and Director of Oyasato Institute forthe Study of Religion, Tenri UniversityDavid Matsumoto speaks in a unique voice in his criti-cal analysis,The New Japan.It is the voice of the Japa-nese diaspora. Matsumoto is a Japanese American whois not only a first-rate social scientist but also a majoractor in the world of international judo competition. Hehas spent a lifetime traveling back and forth betweenthe U.S. and Japan, living, working and playing. He isable to integrate three sets of data: the findings of ahost of well-executed social psychological studies, in-cluding his own; the findings of national surveys con-ducted by the Japanese government and media; andhis own participant observations of the land of his an-cestors. The result of this integration is the articulationof a major challenge facing Japan in the twenty-firstcentury, the harmonic creation of what Matsumoto calls“individualistic collectivism.” This is a ground-break-ing analysis which takes us beyond the conventionaldualisms of the intercultural field.—Jacqueline WasilewskiInternational Christian University, TokyoAt a time when we Japanese have to reexamine ourstrengths and weaknesses during the current transi-tional period,The New Japanis a timely contribution.The author (himself a Judo player and having Japa-nese roots) has [written] a resource book for reflectivebut forward-thinking Japanese and for those who haveJapanese partners in their business…lives. With thisbook in hand, we [will] no longer suffer fromstereotypic…conceptualizations of Japanese culture. Irecommend this book for my friends all over the world.—Toshihiro Kanai, Ph.D.Professor of Organizational BehaviorGraduate School of Business Administration,Kobe UniversityTHENEWAPANJDavid Matsumoto may be reached at forfurther information about his research and the contentsof this book. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
