The Screamers , Fan Fiction

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The Screamers
Chapter 1 –
The Alley
Chapter 2 –
Breakfast & Belching
Chapter 3 –
Alice, Asstard and Piss-Girl
Chapter 4 –
Big-tit's Buffet
Chapter 5 –
Cheap Wine and...the Truth
Chapter 6 –
Unacceptable Touching
Chapter 7 –
Pity-poison and Porn
Chapter 8 –
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
Chapter 9 –
SNL & The Spanish Inquisition
Chapter 10 –
The After-Party
Chapter 11-
Unacceptable Touching Marathon
Chapter 12 –
Giney & Godzy's Big Day Out
Chapter 13 –
The Bet
Chapter 14 –
Sexual Healing
Chapter 15 –
Crotchsplosions & Consequences
Chapter 16 -
Unspoken Truths
Chapter 17 –
Chapter 18 –
Chapter 19 –
Exit Strategy
Chapter 20 –
Chapter 21 –
Moving Forward
Chapter 22 –
Tongue Tied
Chapter 23 –
Chapter 24 –
Chapter 25 –
A Pining Giney
Chapter 26 –
Cool, Calm & Cockblocked
Chapter 27 -
Climbing the Walls
The Alley
The Alley
– 4
Breakfast & Belching
Breakfast & Belching
– 12
Alice, Asstard and Piss-Girl
Alice, Asstard and Piss-Girl
– 19
Big-tit's Buffet
Big-tit's Buffet
– 27
Cheap Wine and...the Truth
Cheap Wine and...the Truth
– 33
Unacceptable Touching
Unacceptable Touching
– 42
Pity-poison and Porn
Pity-poison and Porn
– 50
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back
– 61
SNL & The Spanish Inquisition
– 78
SNL & The Spanish Inquisition
The After-Party
– 90
The After-Party
Unacceptable Touching Marathon
Unacceptable Touching Marathon
– 112
Giney & Godzy's Big Day Out
Giney & Godzy's Big Day Out
– 127
The Bet
The Bet
– 138
Sexual Healing
Sexual Healing
– 153
Crotchsplosions & Consequences
Crotchsplosions & Consequences
- 166
Unspoken Truths
Unspoken Truths
– 182
– 202
– 226
Exit Strategy
– 232
Exit Strategy
– 250
Moving Forward
Moving Forward
– 266
Tongue Tied
Tongue Tied
– 282
– 302
– 319
A Pining Giney
A Pining Giney
– 335
Cool, Calm & Cockblocked
Cool, Calm & Cockblocked
– 355
Climbing the Walls
Climbing the Walls
– 371
Chapter 28 –
Let's Talk About Sex
Chapter 29 –
Moving Pictures
Chapter 30 –
Perfection Revisited
Chapter 31 -
Chapter 32 –
Thudding Destiny
Chapter 33 –
Fucking Angry
Chapter 34 –
Bail Out
Let's Talk About Sex
– 386
Let's Talk About Sex
Moving Pictures
Moving Pictures
– 404
Perfection Revisited
Perfection Revisited
- 426
– 448
Thudding Destiny
Thudding Destiny
– 467
Fucking Angry
Fucking Angry
– 488
Bail Out
Bail Out
- 506
Chapter 1 – The Alley
I could hear my ragged breathing echoing in the darkness as my feet slapped the wet pavement. I
don’t know how long I had been running but I knew the minute I stopped I would hear them again
- the screamers.
My blood was pounding in my chest as I turned a corner, determined to not let them catch me.
Why the hell did I decide to go and get cigarettes in the middle of the night, and on a Saturday for
Christ's sake?! I knew they would be out tonight, and yet my heart still crawled up into my throat
when I came out of the convenience store and heard them. They were further up the street, far
enough away to give me a head-start – but the screaming was so damn loud, it split the quiet
stillness like a chainsaw and I did the only thing I could – I started running.
My chest started burning as my lungs wheezed and sputtered.
Fuck, I really need to give up smoking!
I turned another corner, heading back in the direction of my hotel when I saw a small alleyway. I
could hear them nearing the corner and knew the alley was a safer bet than making back to the
hotel lobby. I quickly ducked into the alley, sprinted past an industrial sized bin and hid behind it.
An old blanket was balled up near the wall so I grabbed it and pulled it over my head.
“What the FUCK?!” an angry voice said roughly. I turned to see a pair of dark brown eyes staring at
me angrily. “Get your own blanket, dude,” spat a dishevelled young woman, trying to grab it back
off me.
“Sshh!” I hissed. I could hear the screamers approaching and this chick was about to blow it for
“Don’t tell me to ‘shhh’ nutbucket,” she hissed back, lowering her voice slightly. “You’re the one
who just stole my blanket.”
“Please,” I begged, “Shut the fuck up for a few minutes…I’ll give it straight back to you.”
“Yeah you will,” she grunted as she stood up and stepped away from the wall, “Or I’ll kick your ass.”
“Wait!” I whispered. “Don’t go out there!” I could hear the voices getting closer. She looked at me
like I was insane and started walking toward the end of the alley. “No!” I hissed.
It was too late for me to stop her. I pulled the blanket over my head and waited for the nightmare
to be over.
The voices were very close now, fast footfalls slowing to stop at the end of the alley.
“Where did he go?”
“He definitely turned down here.”
“God he’s so fast. I think I’m gonna hurl…”
“C’mon Becky stop being such a wuss. We’ll never catch him at this rate.”
“Hey look….let’s ask her…”
My breath stopped. They’d seen the girl.
Calm down, there’s nothing you can do. Whatever is going to happen will happen…so shut the fuck
up, you pussy.
“Hey, did you see a guy run down this street?”
I waited for her to give away my position. My body tensed, ready to flee…
“Oh…um…you mean the cute looking gay guy with the bronze hair…blanket fetish?”
Fuck! Wait did she just call me cute...and GAY?! Bitch!
The voices sounded perplexed.
“Uh, yeah, that sounds like him…where did he go?”
I heard feet shuffling and I suddenly had no doubt that the girl was going to point them towards
my pathetic cowering and unleash the screaming beasts on me.
“Um…well he ran down toward the traffic lights and turned the corner,” I heard her say. “He runs
like a girl by the way…”
Bitch who just saved my ass but bitch nonetheless.
“If you hurry you can probably still catch him…he was wheezing like an old man.”
Fucking cigarettes!
“Come on you guys let’s go! Ahhhhhh!!!!”
The screaming started up again, and I heard it slowly fade as the girls ran down the street. I was
only vaguely aware of footsteps heading my way when the blanket was ripped off me and I stared
up into blazing brown eyes, squirming slightly as she fixed me with her impressive glare.
“Now,” she said through gritted teeth, “Get the fuck out of my alley, asstard, and let me get some
I stood up, examining this strange girl who had just saved me. She was a foot shorter than me and
her thick brown hair was matted and pulled back in a loose ponytail. She wore crumpled jeans and
a thick flannelette jacket that looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while, and her intense gaze
pretty much made my balls crawl back up into my body, because despite our size difference, I was
pretty fucking certain she could kick my ass if she really wanted to.
“Um…thanks…for doing that,” I said, suddenly feeling my chest constrict slightly under her
aggressive stare.
“I didn’t do it for you, idiot,” she said acidly as she roughly pushed past me and sat with her back
against the wall, “I did it so I wouldn’t have five teenage girls ripping you to pieces in my alley,
making a huge damn mess and ruining my night even further.”
She closed her eyes angrily, letting out a deep sigh and effectively dismissing me from her
Who the fuck was this girl?
“Can you at least tell me your name…”
“Why?” she spat, eyes still closed.
I let out a frustrated sigh. “Because I can’t really call you alley-girl, and I’d like to know who to
“I don’t want your thanks.”
Damn, this girl’s bitch-switch was stuck in overdrive. I was seriously beginning to lose patience.
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