The Black Plague, Hero Quest

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The Black Plague
A Group Quest by: Henri Kwakman
The Black Plague
Welcome back, adventurers! In The Black Plague, the Heroes will
come face to face with the dreaded Black Orcs. These huge dark-
skinned behemoths are known for their exceptional strength.
They are truly worthy opponents, especially the Black Orc
Warlords. This expansion also introduces a new Hero type: the
Battle Mage. New quests will be released periodically.
Chaos Sorcerer
The twisted, malign intellects of the Chaos Sorcerers have
inspired tales of terror throughout the ages. Not without reason.
The Chaos Sorcerer uses the Chaos Spells (refer to the Quest Notes
for details) and is considered a
Fearsome Monster
Woe unto the adventurer unfortunate enough to encounter a
Bloodthirster! This deadliest of Daemons can take on an entire
party of Heroes, by themselves. Needless to say, the Bloodthirster
is considered a
Fearsome Monster
New Monsters
What follows are the rules to six new monsters. There are no new
figures; the new monsters simply replace their weaker kin when
shown on the Quest Maps (just like the Battle Mage uses the
Wizard figure.
Fearsome Monsters
When a Hero attacks a Fearsome Monster, he has to pass a
Bravery test. All Heroes have a Bravery rating of 9 and Henchmen
(or summoned creatures) have a Bravery rating of 7. The Hero
must roll 2d6. If the result is less than or equal to the Bravery of
the attacker, combat ensues. If the result is greater than the
Bravery rating, however, the attacker is paralyzed with fear until
the start of his next turn.
Night Goblins
These are a peculiar race of goblins. They’ve grown accustomed to
living underground and in dark places in general. The light of the
sun pains them and they only get out during the night.
Black Orcs
These black-skinned Orcs are great fighting machines and they
are the strongest of the Orc race.
You don’t need to pass a Bravery test when attacking with
Fimir Mages
Not all Fimir are bloodthirsty thugs. Some of them possess a great
knowledge of arcane magic. The Fimir Mage has a unique set of
spells and he may cast each of these spells once.
New Monsters
Chaos Slaves
The Chaos Slaves do not possess the strength of the dreaded
Chaos Warriors, and are often bullied into submission by the
To learn more about the new monster figures, see the
monster cards in this Quest Pack, as well as the Monster
Chart at the back of this book.
New Hero Type
A new Hero steps into the HeroQuest world: The Battle Mage.
Battle Mages are the Empire’s elite wizards. They are trained in
wielding both sword and staff.
Learning to fight with steel comes at a price, though; the Battle
Mage knows only two spell groups instead of the Wizard’s three.
There can never be both a Wizard and a Battle Mage on the same
Quest, since they use the same figure. If one of them is chosen by
any of the players, the other is left out.
The Battle Mage cannot use any of the Wizard’s equipment, but he
shares the same equipment restrictions (i.e. an item cannot be
used by the Wizard cannot be used by the Battle Mage, either).
The starting weapon of the Battle Mage is a Runic Dagger.
The Battle Mage and the Wizard may choose a new spell group:
the Summoning Spells. See new cards for details.
Special New Rules
The Quests require at least three Heroes. One human player
controls three Heroes, two human players each control two
Heroes and three or four human players each control one Hero.
The Battle Mage is for veteran players only.
Starting Gold & Buying Equipment
Each Hero receives a number of Gold Coins equal to the roll of td6
times ten. A Hero can decide to give some or all of his starting Gold
to another Hero. If they wish, the Heroes can buy equipment
before they start the first quest. Between Quests the Heroes can
buy new equipment by means of errand runners.
Opening Chests & Treasure
Opening a chest is a separate action. A Hero has to occupy the
square in front of the chest and must declare that he wants to
open the chest. After opening a Chest (and hopefully finding
treasure in it) his turn ends.
Leather Boots & Plate Mail
If you wear Leather Boots, the movement penalty for wearing
Plate Mail armor is reduced to one square instead of one die.
Monster Pool
This rule is important to Zargon. Each Quest has a Monster Pool.
Zargon can add the monsters from the pool to a room or corridor if
the Quest proves too easy. Up to two monsters can be added per
room or corridor. If there are only three Heroes (left), it is best to
ignore the Monster Pool rule.
You cannot add a spellcaster to a room or corridor that
already has a spell caster of the same type in it.
Once a Hero has completed three Quests, he is declared a Knight of
the Realm. In honor of his deeds he receives a sum of Gold Coins
equal to the roll of 1d6 times 100. A Knight of the Realm will also
receive one Healing Potions (that restores up to 4 lost Body Points)
at the beginning of each Quest. This potion cannot be saved for
future Quests.
Only when a Hero has become a Knight of the Realm will
Henchmen offer to join him. A Hero can only hire once Henchmen
for every three completed Quests, with a maximum of three
Henchmen after nine completed Quests.
New Trap
Web Trap
Some of the Quests incorporate a new trap. When a Hero steps on
a tile that has a Web trap on it, he gets caught in the web of a Giant
Spider. The player then rolls a single Combat Die. If he rolls a
White Shield, he frees himself of the Web and may continue his
turn. If he rolls a Skull or a Black Shield, he gets stuck in the web
and is attacked by a Giant Spider. The Giant Spider has an attack
strength of 3 Combat Dice. The Hero may roll defend dice (to
determine damage, if any) and then instantly kills the spider.
Bracers of Defense
(75 Gold Coins)
These metal wristbands give you 1 extra Combat Die in defense.
May only be worn by the Wizard.
Leather Boots
(75 Gold Coins)
These fine leather boots add one point to a Hero’s movement roll
Ring of Protection
(300 Gold Coins)
This rare magical trinket gives you 2 extra Combat Dice in
May only be worn by the Battle Mage.
Once a Web trap has been sprung, OR when a Hero searches for
traps first, the Webtrap is automatically disarmed.
Rune Sword
(575 Gold Coins)
This ancient magical blade gives you the attack strength of 3
Combat Dice.
May only be used by the Battle Mage
New Armory Items
For this expansion, the Armory is stocked with a number of new
items. Note that some items are only available to Heroes that have
become Knights of the Realm. (See next column.)
Sign of Sigmar
(125 Gold Coins)
This beautiful golden broach raises the Bravery rating of any
Henchmen under your command by 2 points.
May only be worn by Knights of the Realm.
The Wizard’s Cloak and Staff
The Wizard can now buy the Artifacts
Wizard’s Cloak
Wizard’s Staff
for 175 Gold Coins and 250 Gold Coins,
A Message from Mentor
y friends, our nemesis, whom we thought to have defeated in the battle of the
wizards, is not dead. His Citadel destroyed, Zargon fled to the east to rally his
strengths. There he took command of the dreaded Black Orcs. Far stronger and
much more intelligent than their green kinsfolk, the Black Orcs prove a great
danger to the safety of the Empire. As we speak, the black plague is spreading. An
Orc assault led by Black Orc Warlords has already broken the guard at Black Fire Pass. Only with the
greatest efforts have the Empire’s finest been able to stop the minions of Chaos from advancing any
farther. But this blockade will not last.
We have learned that the sudden superiority of the Orc invaders is due to the organizational
skills of the Black Orc commanders. It is highly probable that the assassination of these commanders
will leave the Green Horde in disarray. This would give the imperial guard ample opportunity to drive
the invaders back across the mountains.
The Emperor has chosen you to carry out the dangerous task of slaying the Black Orc Warlords.
You will not stand alone in this; an imperial Battle Mage shall join your party. You will leave for the
pass at sunrise.
 Orin’s Path
Quest 1
“To avoid the Chaos Horde at the Black Fire Pass, you shall have Zargon may have discovered the secret of Orin's Path, so best
to sneak past enemy lines. You must find a tunnel through the proceed with caution. I will post couriers along the way to
World's Edge Mountains, called Orin's Path. It was discovered provide you with further instructions. May Sigmar be your
long ago by the great dwarven hunter Orin, and it has been used
to great military advantage ever since. Our scouts report that
On the Alchemist's Bench, the Heroes will find a Potion of
The Treasure Chest in this room is trapped. If a Hero opens
Giants, a Potion of Knowledge, a Dagger, and 25 Gold
the chest without disarming the trap first, a poisonous dart
will shoot from the wall, causing 2 Body Points of damage.
The chest contains a black pearl worth 150 Gold Coins, a
The weapons on the Weapons Rack are useless apart from a
Potion of Giants, and the Lamp of the Genie, a new Artifact.
shapely Staff.
Monster Pool
Wandering Monster in this Quest:
The Skaven Warrens
Quest 2
“You have found Orin's Path, and now the long and left many traces of their vile presence. Some of
hard journey through the mountains can begin. these traces might even prove useful.
First, you must cross the old Skaven Warrens. The
Stay close together. The darkness can be deadly to
Warrens were abandoned long ago, yet the Skaven
stray Heroes.

Because of the darkness in this room, the Heroes might
Hidden under a pile of Goblin bones are 20 gold pieces and
easily miss the marked doors here. When a Hero opens the
a tiny bottle of Skavenbrew.
door to this room, the Hero player must roll a red die. If the
result is equal to or higher than the required roll, he will
spot the corresponding door(s). Should a Hero cast a Fire
spell on a target in this room, all doors will be revealed.
The chest is trapped. If a Hero opens the chest before
finding and disarming the trap first, a cloud of poisonous
gas fills the room. All Heroes in the room then suffer 5
combat dice damage. The chest contains a Skaven Weeping
Blade (see new Artifact Card), two Warpstone Amulets (see
New Artifact Card) and 265 Gold Coins.
Monster Pool
Wandering Monster in this Quest:
Giant Spider
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