The Complete Guide to Joseph Pilates Techniques of Physical Conditioning, Biblioteka, Pilates

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With Special Help for
Back Pain & Sports Training
allan menezes
Founder of the Pilates Institute of Australasia
         The Complete Guide to Joseph H. Pilates’
Techniques of Physical Conditioning
Praise for the First Edition
What Readers Say
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“Allan’s Body Control Pilates Technique is the surest
way I know to get back into shape fast. It gives
maximum effect with minimum effort, and helps
iron out the stresses life inflicts on the back. It ad-
dresses muscles you didn’t even know existed that
help to keep the body toned and fortified."
—Greta Scacchi, actress
The Red Violin, Emma, Presumed Innocent
), Physical Therapy Guide

The Pilates Center of Austin

Center of Balance (Mountain View, CA)

The Pacific Northwest Inlander

“This book offers a thorough, in-depth guide to
Pilates exercises.”
“Have you tried every exercise program on the mar-
ket only to quit after the first few lessons? That has
been my experience until two weeks ago when I
began a Pilates course. The instructor uses
Complete Guide to the Pilates Method
as her in-
struction manual....With this book as a reference
guide, I can continue the Pilates exercises at home
and have quit being a quitter.”
—Valerie, Perth, Australia

“This is a very comprehensive book. It covers
around 200 Pilates exercises. The introductory
chapters are inspiring especially for anyone who ex-
periences pain. Allen Menezes, the author, experi-
enced a great deal of pain himself and seems to
truly understand how to help people work with and
through their pain. . . . The introduction helps with
an understanding of the method behind the move-
ments and the concluding chapters actually offer
some information that is a must....”

Pilates Fitness Journal,
August 2003
“Simply a great all-around book! I have had back
trouble for about 15 years and within only 3 weeks
of following the teachings of J.H. Pilates I have no-
ticed considerable improvement in mobility, flexi-
bility, and strength. The book has lots of valuable
information over and above the clear description
and illustration of exercises contained within and
makes for very interesting reading even when tak-
ing it easy!”
“A more in-depth book on Pilates that will appeal to
teachers, some excellent information.”

Bodyline LA

Graeme, Queensland, Australia
“A n excellent book that presents a wide variety
of Pilates-based exercises, incorporating photo-
graphs with step-by-step instructions, key points,
cautions, and variations. Nicely illustrated with
good photography.”
—Judd Robbins, Director of Central Internet
Resource for Pilates’ Instructors, Studios
and Students (
“I tried Pilates about 1 year ago and absolutely loved
it! I used [this] book which provides lots of great de-
tails and background information essential to get-
ting started.”

Healthy Living
Editor @ Hippodamia
Project Credits
Cover Design: Jinni Fontana Graphic Design
Photography: KC
Models: Simon Wood, Vanessa Wood, Allan Menezes, Nadine Jenkins, and Jennifer Scott
Illustrations: Daniel Matthieu
Book Design and Production: Jinni Fontana Graphic Design
Copy Editor: Kelley Blewster
Proofreader: Lee Rappold
Acquisitions Editor: Jeanne Brondino
Editor: Alexandra Mummery
Publicist: Lisa E. Lee
Foreign Rights Assistant: Elisabeth Wohofsky
Customer Service Manager: Christina Sverdrup
Order Fulfillment: Washul Lakdhon
Administrator: Theresa Nelson
Computer Support: Peter Eichelberger
Publisher: Kiran S. Rana
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joseph h. pilates’
techniques of
physical conditioning
With Special Help for Back Pain
and Sports Training
allan menezes
Founder of the Pilates Institute of Australasia
and the Body Control Pilates Studios
Physical fitness is the first
prerequisite of happiness.
— J. Pilates (1880–1967)
the complete guide
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