The Dream Reaper(1), Mapy Do Heroes Might and Magic III

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The Cartographer (A.B.)Map Name: [The Dream Reaper]Map Maker: [Gregory L. Reeves]E-Mail Address: []Map Type: [Singleplayer] [1 Human Only, 6 Computer Only]Language: [English ]Description: [Based on a collection of short stories written by H.P. Lovecraft.Excerpts from: The White Ship 1919, The Unnamable 1923, Ex Oblivion 1920/21, Azathoh 1922, The Nameless City 1921, Dagon 1917, Herbert West-Reanimator 1921/22Celephais 1920, The Quest of Iranon 1921, The Crawling Chaos 1920/21]Special Win: [none]Special Loss: [none]Special Other: [NONE]Narrative: [The Dream Reaper has come to Erathia & with him the nightmares of untold horrorsErathia's only hope lies in three strangers who have followed their dreams to anunknown land. This map should play somewhere between hard & expert depending on which direction you happen to take & what random events you happen upon. The general outline of the above ground land masses is based on an old map I did in Heros 2.Play-Testers: [Play-tester1 ][Play-Tester2][Play-Tester2]SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:Special Thanks to Yung the official, unoffical tester again.As usual the testers caught many of my spelling mistakes as well giving good advice on how the map might be improved. Many many thanks to all the testers for their detailed words of wisdom.SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!SPOILERS: WARNING!!! SPOILER INFORMATION FOLLOWS PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!Other than the day 2 hints that direct certain heros in a direction, I honestly can not give you much advice as to how this map should be played. Its seems to play a little different each time I play it. I will say this, dont leave your starting castle unprotected until you have secured a 2nd castle. Try to capture one of the castles in the N.W or S.E corners first. Search the islands on the outer rim they have hidden troops & gold on 8 of them. Behind every garrison on the surface there is gold & resorces. The Dream Reapers minions should start to make an apperance towards the end of month 1. Before you travel to the underground section be sure you are strong enough & in case you are not be sure you have town portal. town portal scrolls can be found in the N.E & S.W corners of the map, as well as two additional heros ( the Visonary & the optimist). Two of your heros The Inovator & Hope should be aboard a ship by day 3 & collecting resorces. when you reach the underground section You must visit the castle in the S.E section to gain access to the castle in the N.W.section. Once you have control of the 2 Necromancer castles you can proceed past the sea garrison to the water section. look for additonal troops as well as relics & spells. You will have to visit the black tent controled by the pink dungeon directly across from the Necromancer castle in the N.W. section. to gain access to the Nameless city. This will also allow you direct access from the castle Imagination to the underground in case you need additional troops or heros. Good Luck, Erathia is counting on you. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
