The Flower of Battle (OEF), Riddle of Steel

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The Riddle of Steel:
The Flower
Brian Leybourne Jacob Norwood
The Flower of Battle
of Battle
The Riddle of Steel:
The Flower
of Battle
Written by: Brian Leybourne Jacob Norwood
Weapons Section by: Jean Henri Chandler
Developer: George Thompson
Editor: Donald Clarke
Assistant Editor: Brian Leybourne
Cover Painting: Jeremy McHugh
The Flower of Battle Logo: Rick McCann
Design, Layout: David O. Miller
Illustrations: Ramon F. Estevez, Christian N. Pt. Pierre,
Colin Throm, Marcio Fiorito, Tyler M. Lockett,
Ravenscrye Grey Daegmorgan
Proofreaders: Andrew Dillon, Christopher S. Harvey
Special Thanks
This book is dedicated to Mark “Sorty” Sorton and my loving family,
who kept me sane when my world fell apart.
-Brian Leybourne
Clarke, Andrew
“George, you’re a Bastard!”
Christopher S.
“Look what she did to my Face!”
Harvey, Ken
“I’m immortal? Nooooo!”
“Chris, even if my character dies, you are still not getting his Mithril Armor!”
Memoli, Adam
“Time to roll up a new character”
“Was there ever any question in that?”
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Contents © 2004 Driftwood Publishing. All rights reserved.
The Riddle of Steel, Weyrth, Bladeslingers, The Flower of Battle, Of Beasts and Men, and all
associated names, characters, logos, and marks are trademarks of Driftwood Publishing.
All artwork is © 2004 Driftwood Publishing or the respective artist of each piece thereof. All rights reserved.
The Flower of Battle
Reversals 37
Strikes 37
Ground Fighting 37
Introduction 1
Initiative 38
Weapon Length and Initiative 39
Book One:
Living on the Razor’s Edge 3
Knockdown 40
Mounted Combat 41
Combat Rounds 42
Hit Location 42
Remaining Seated 43
Jousting 43
Rearing 44
Kicking 44
Pivoting 45
Cinematic vs Real 4
Wounds 5
Terrain Rolls 5
Spiritual Attributes 5
Mooks 6
Fatal Flaws 6
Archery 6
Missile Pool and Refresh 6
Reducing Preparation Time 8
Range 8
Determining Hit Location 9
Avoiding Arrows 10
Stances 45
High Forward 46
Middle Forward 46
Low Forward 46
High Back 47
Low Back/Tail Guard 47
Charging 47
Armor 10
Armor Types 12
Head and Neck Protection 13
Upper Body Protection 15
Lower Body Protection 19
Full Body Suits 21
Shields 22
Arming Gloves, Armored Sleeves and Hilts 26
Optional Rule: Shield Positioning and Favoring 26
Some Armor Examples 29
Armor Price List 30
Terrain 48
Basic Terrain Rolls 48
Diffi cult fi ghting Conditions 48
Opposed Terrain Rolls 49
Multiple Opponents 49
Pressing Opponents 50
Cinematic Terrain Rolls 51
Terrain Rolls outside Combat 53
Terrain Roll Target Numbers 53
Drawing weapons during combat 32
Toughness 54
Dropping (and retrieving) items during
combat 32
Book Two: The Tides of War 55
Fatigue 33
Fatigue and Encumbrance 33
Firearms 57
Firearm Profi ciencies 58
Gun Defense 58
Misfi res 59
Wheel Lock Firing Mechanisms 60
Clay “Mine” 60
Hand Gun 61
Musket 62
Blunderbuss 63
Gunpowder barrels 64
Purchase Costs 64
Grappling and Wrestling 33
Integrating with the rulebook 33
Phase One: Getting into the clinch 33
Phase Two: Throwing, Trapping, Breaking,
and Striking 34
Trapping Maneuvers 35
The effects of trapped body parts 35
Breaking Maneuvers 35
Specialized: Choking and neck-breaking 36
Striking Maneuvers 37
Defensive elements/maneuvers of phase two 37
New Maneuvers 65
Disarm 65
The Flower of Battle
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