The Girl Next Door by stavanger1, T - Z

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The Girl Next Door
By stavanger1
Edward and Bella are neighbors. He's used to listen to her while she "showers", but once he hears her call
his name as she climaxes, he's desperate to find a way into her place. Come see if
rocksoutwithhiscockoutward finds a way. For latua for SSA.
Most days I was fine with living in my apartment. It was small, cozy, homey… perfect. Except for days like
today, which happened more often than I’d like to admit.
The set-up was quite simple really. There are three buildings on the lot, each has six apartments; two on
each floor. The front doors face inward, one side of the building mirroring the other.
The kitchens all line up one side, and are wall to wall with the other side. The same goes for the master
bedrooms and bathrooms.
Ugh, the bathrooms. Therein lay my problem.
I live on the bottom, in number eight.
lives in the middle, in number nine.
She, her, Bella Swan.
And she
is… a swan. A beautiful, sweet, sexy—

Yep, sexy… and fucking playing with her showerhead.
It happens
all the time
. I’d be embarrassed to
know this, if it wasn’t so fucking hot. Not to mention unavoidable given the building layout.
Bella… not only was she insanely beautiful, sexy beyond words, she was one of the kindest, gentlest women
I’d ever met. I had spotted her on several occasions helping the elderly couple living in the building furthest
from us. She would carry in their groceries or lend a steady hand for crossing the nearby street.
And she had the quickest wit. In one of the very few conversations we’d had she’d told me the most
hilarious joke about a vampire drinking the blood from a cat, effectively setting himself up for torture by his
siblings when they found out he’d “eaten pussy.”
Speaking of pussy…
I never did anything while Bella was “occupied.” I just sat in my empty tub, listening to her hot as hell
moans, my hands clutching my thighs in an effort to not jack off she carried on. I didn’t feel right doing
Not that sitting in my tub like a depraved little stalker was any better; I just simply didn’t have the strength
to stay away any longer.
But later, after she’d finish and her shower was off? I’d take my own shower and imagine her hand and body
instead of my own. Imagine what it would feel like to run my hands up her sensual back and then down her
sides, just barely grazing her breasts as they skimmed by. And she would beg for me to palm her, touch her,
taste her. Fuck it all I wanted to taste her like there was no tomorrow.
I’d wished more than once that she’d want me too, but gave up on it a long time ago. Yeah, more like I gave
up on it when that smelly dog “Jake” started coming over. I know you think I’m crazy but the dog fucking
stank, I don’t know how Bella put up with it. I admit, I didn’t know Bella as well as I’d wanted to, but I’d
never gotten the impression from her that she was seeing someone. And then
shown up, and all my
dreams had come crashing down around me.
At first I thought he was the one who was making her so vocal during her showers, making me want to
throw up in my mouth. I’d always wondered how in the hell he could stay so quiet through it all. If it was
me up there, doing to her what she was currently doing to herself, I would be loud en—

There would be no mistaking that
was enjoying loving her. You wouldn’t be able to
me to keep quiet. I
would want to be heard, want the entire world to know
was inside this goddess making her moan and groan
and writhe and… damnit, now I hurt. Throbbing, like no other…

But the pain in my chest was worse, to be honest. I ached each time I thought of her with him, doing all of
those things I so longed to do. Of her making those sounds for him and not for me.
Never for me
. My throat
tightened as I pictured her naked and moving underneath him, not a single care in her world...
Earlier today, he had been over. My day had been great until then… until he came… All bouncy and happy
and bearing roses. Didn’t he know she didn’t like roses? Didn’t he know she loved potted plants because
they wouldn’t die? Even
knew that.
He had run up the stairs like he freaking owned the place, his stink following him like bad perfume, and then
pounded on her door like she was deaf. I faintly heard the door open and voices in the hallway before the
door was shut abruptly.
Not long after that, all hell broke loose. Next thing I knew I heard a loud,
“Fuck you!”
quickly followed bya
door opening and some shuffling.
The conversation that had followed turned my world upside down

Bella, baby, don’t be like th-oompf.”

Don’t tell me how to be, you asshole. I’m not your baby, have never been your baby and will never be your

That’s no—“

And furthermore. I have never, ever given you any hint or signal or anything that said I wanted to be with
you… never.”


No, Jake. You deluded yourself into thinking that I wanted you. I have never wanted you. You were a good
friend, a brother, nothing more.”

I kn—“

You know shit, Jake…We were friends. Why would you do this?”

I know you’re scared, Bella, I know—“

What are you—“

Just let me show you. I can be so good for you. I love you. I know you can feel it. Feel it like you can feel
At that point I hadn’t been able to just stand by the door and listen anymore. That Jake douche had seemed
to be dangerously close to forcing himself upon a woman, and not just any woman either…
Because once I knew she was not with
, I had become determined to make her mine… eventually. At
least I’d hoped. One day. And it would’ve all started with me going out there.
So I had stepped out into the hallway, intending to show Bella I wanted to help her while showing
Dickbutter that he wasn’t wanted, but instead Bella had shown me she was not a force to be taken lightly.

You better hope I never see your face around here again, Jake. Your lips,”
eww and cringe
, “don’t belong
in the same hemisphere as mine. Now. Get. The. Hell. Out.”


You better not be saying what it sounds like fuck you’re trying to say, or I’ll kick your balls to China.
Fucking get out.”
I was speechless at that point. Never in a million years had I expected to hear Bella talking like that. And I
liked it. Oh sweet nectar of life did I like it, so did the rest of my anatomy. My balls had practically begged
to release some “buildup”.
As the rejected clown made his way down the stairs I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander between the
loser and Bella. She was agitated, it was clear as day. Her face was splotchy and red from her anger, her
chest was heaving and one hand was fisted around the roses the douche had brought, while the other was
clutching her shirt. She was breathtaking. I
to make her mine.
Jake the common rake was wearing a very heartbroken look, or it would have looked like it had I not been
gloating so much at the fact that he’d gotten his ass handed to him. Fucking served him right for trying to
force her into… I’d had to stop thinking like that or I would have ended up punching him in the face.

Oh, and
she’d called, to which the idiot had instantly brightened, thinking she had changed her
mind no doubt. As he’d turned she’d thrown the broken flowers at him before turning around, walking into
her apartment and slamming the door. Hard.
I had been so stunned I just stood there, watching as Jakeyboy bent down and picked up the flowers that had
not made it into his grasp, cradling them to his chest. So lost was he to his own pain that he hadn’t even
seemed to notice me at all as he’d moved the rest of the steps down and went out the front door.
As soon as the door had hit the frame I’d whooped, fist pumped the air and then kissed my knuckles. Yeah, I
was happy again. Douche was gone, and maybe when my balls dropped I would get enough courage to
approach Bella myself. Though, I’d wanna make sure she was interested in me, at least a little, so I didn’t
get the same treatment as longhaired ponytail boy.

Oh, please, please…

… her moans and pleas brought me back to the present again. I couldn’t believe this had all happened
just a short couple of hours ago.
I’d pretty much just been in a daze from then on, not really knowing what the hell was going on around me.
I had something to eat, but I can’t be sure. What I can be sure of is that I spent all that time only
thinking of her. Thinking of how amazing she was. Her kindness, her wit, her compassion, her hot as fuck
sailor mouth…
And then the shower had started and my thoughts and actions and everything else sprang to life and I was in
that tub faster than Speedy Gonzales during a race. I couldn’t—

Oh, aaah… Ed-Edward…mmm…”
Did she just…
To my…
Holy Hell!!!! She pictured me.
Oh this was… I needed to go see her. Not only did I want to, but dude…
my cock needed her. Her tight, warm walls around me…
… I was throbbing in my pants; thinking was a little hard to do at this point. But if I could figure
out how to feasibly go up there—
I need an excuse.
I climbed out of the tub as fast as I could given my current predicament, and went into the front room. It was
raining. Hells yes, it was raining. This could work to my advantage, I mused.
I knew I was being a devious little bastard, but I didn’t care. I
to get into Bella’s apartment. I needed to
talk to her, see her, be with her. And I had been wrong before. Though my cock more than desperately
wanted to feel her, my heart needed to know I had a chance. And I had to reassure myself that I had in fact
heard my name come from her lips as she climaxed. It couldn’t have been my imagination. I knew I heard it.
So I did something I’d never done before. I walked out my front door without my keys, and pulled it shut,
hearing the little click as the lock went in place, intentionally locking myself out of my house.
To make it seem plausible I went outside in the pouring rain, making sure I got drenched as I “searched” for
an open window or sliding door. Neither of which could be found of course.
When I stepped back into the hallway I was soaked through, As I walked up the stairs to Bella’s apartment I
could feel the weight of the wet jeans pulling them down lower on my hips. Which was fine, except I was
still as hard as I’d ever been with the knowledge that I was going to be seeing Bella. Bella… Bella, Bella,
Bella, she climaxed calling my name, Bella.
Yeah, I was that hard, and I was straining against my jeans. And because the jeans were slung so low, the
top of my cock was jutting out from the waistband. At least my shirt was long enough to cover it, though it
too was so wet that it clung to me, sticking to my muscles like a second skin.
There would be no mistaking that I was hard and ready to go, and I hoped like hell she wouldn’t be scared
off. Though, maybe if I was lucky, I could help get
I felt a smidgen pathetic as I stood there waiting for her to open the door, though those feelings quickly
disappeared as the vision of Bella, fresh out of the shower, came before me. In nothing but a towel wrapped
around her body. Dear
she was hot.
“Yeah. Hey… So, I um… locked myself out. I looked for an open window, but no luck. And it’s raining
“So I see. I take it you didn’t find a way in?”
I’m just about to.
“No, I didn’t. I was kinda hoping you’d let me, you know.” I raised my hand to pull it
through my hair and Bella gasped. Right! Cock semi-exposed. Forgot about that. “Would you let me crash
here ‘til morning so I can call the landlord and have them open it for me?” I finished as I lowered my hand,
hooking the thumb through a belt loop.
“Umm… huh… ssu— wait, what?” Oh, she was speechless? Fuck, I hoped this was a good kind of
“Locked out, need a place to stay ‘til morning?” I repeated.
“Oh, yeah. Sure. Of course. Come in.” She shook her head to clear it, making the towel move with the slight
bouncing of her breasts. I almost groaned and my dick twitched. Fuck, I hope she didn’t notice.
She moved aside and let me step into the warm and dry living room. “Just let me go change and I’ll…
ummm… get you a towel.”
“Okay. Sorry for interrupting your night.”
“S’okay. I was just coming out of the shower. It was a very
day and I needed to de-stress.” With
that she was off to her room to change out of her little towel.
Little did she know that I had heard her entire “de-stressing” shower and now found myself very stressed
out. I really needed some kind of release. I wondered, idly, if I was being too brash here, but then decided
that I needed to do this. Consequences be damned.
Besides, she’d already seen part of my head, why not show her more? I could make her feel so good if only
she’d let me. Which I think she was going to as I took in her attire, or lack there of, as she came back in to
see me.
She was wearing a pale green cami and short set in what appeared to be very soft material. It was clinging to
her curves like dew to grass, accentuating her curves in all the right places.
And holy shit, her nipples were straining against the material. That had to be a sign, right?
Yes Edward, it’s a sign.
It had to be.
She handed me the towel, her hands trembling slightly and a deep blush staining her cheeks and neck down
to the swells of her breasts.
“Thank you for this. Really. I can’t believe I did that.”
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