The Missing Link, energia free,urzadzenia,jak zrobic, Antygrawitacja

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6 - Gravity, Magnetism and Rotation: The Missing Link
In the last chapter, Dr. Bruce DePalma showed us that the simple rotation of a magnet, fashioned like a
gyroscope, could generate electricity. It is also interesting to point out that
gravitational effects
could also be
produced in DePalma's work with rotating magnets. Before discussing this, if we go back to his original
Spinning Ball Drop experiment detailed in Chapter Four, we can see that
definite anti-gravitational effects
were observed in the difference between the dropping of a rotating steel ball as opposed to a non-rotating one.
We should remind ourselves that a gyroscope does not "like" to be moved out of its position –it possesses
You can feel this by trying to turn the gyroscope in your hands while it is moving – it will resist
your efforts. Or you can even balance the bottom axle of the gyroscope on your finger, and dazzle your
friends as it tilts almost 90 degrees without falling down. It is these simple principles of the gyroscope that
allow our airplanes to remain stable in flight – the gyroscope senses any movement and resists it, which
causes the sensitive instruments around the gyroscope to detect the changes and send the corresponding
motions to the stabilizers on the wings to keep the plane level. Without it, a pilot's challenge in trying to keep
the plane on track would be a far more demanding task.
We have stated that gravity is the tendency for all parts of the Ultimate Being to seek Oneness, to seek the
Center. Thus, when we see this happening on planets, it is simply the force of aether streaming downward
into the gigantic planetary body that creates the force. The Earth's surface is akin to a "screen" that we cannot
pass through but the aether can – and thus we are "caught up" in the "aether wind" and continually pushed
down by it. However, the aether also streams into all
matter, including ourselves – so it is certainly
possible for other, weaker streams of aether besides the downward direction to be implemented in nature.
These "other streams" with different directions have the same mathematical properties as gravity via
Einstein’s Principle of Equivalence, and we remember that these forces are called
Therefore, a
gyroscope in rotation can harness and "throw off" the aetheric energy force of
in the same way that it
"throws off" free electrical energy when it is magnetized. In rotation, the normally downward-streaming
aetheric force of gravity is then redirected and radiated out the sides of the gyroscope, thus lowering the
object's weight.
As a perfect scientific example of this phenomenon that made it into the mainstream media, we can cite parts
of an article that was featured in
The Electronic Telegraph
on Sunday, Sept. 21, 1997:
Scientists 'beat gravity' using a gyroscope
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6 - Gravity, Magnetism and Rotation: The Missing Link
By Robert Matthews, Science Correspondent
A TEAM of scientists backed by a leading Japanese multi-national company claims to have found a
way of generating "anti-gravity" using nothing more than a spinning gyroscope. Although the claimed
effect is extremely feeble - amounting to a loss in weight of just one part in 7,000 - the team insists that
it cannot be explained away as experimental error. Such claims have been circulating for at least a
decade and have always been surrounded by controversy. According to conventional physics, it is
impossible for any object to generate anti-gravity, or even screen out its effects…
Now new fuel has been added to the antigravity controversy by Hideo Hayasaka and colleagues at the
Faculty of Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan, together with Matsushita, the Japanese
multinational. The team has carried out a new set of experiments aimed at detecting anti-gravity
generated by a small gyroscope.
The principle behind the experiment is very simple. After spinning up the gyroscope to 18,000
revolutions per minute, it is put inside an airtight container and allowed to fall between two laser beams.
These record how long the gyroscope takes to fall nearly 6ft between the two beams. Any reduction in
the strength of the gravity reveals itself in a
slight increase in the time it takes to fall the 6ft.
In a series of 10 runs, the team found that the gyroscope took about 1/25,000 of a second longer to fall
when it was spinning than when it was stationary - equivalent to an anti-gravity effect of just one part in
This article clearly shows us that the evidence has indeed been "leaking" out into the media, though it was not
from any American scientists, nor an American newspaper. Other studies show that this phenomenon is
certainly not limited to gyroscopes alone. In
Zhang Chengbin's
Ph.D. dissertation
Unified Theory of the
, he mentions the anomaly of how a speeding, rotating bullet can travel long distances, experiencing
little or no change in its trajectory from gravity. In the same dissertation he reports that Japanese scientists
discovered that an electric top would measurably reduce its weight when rotating as well. This fact was
illustrated in Wang Jiancheng's
Answers to the Unsolved World Mysteries,
New World Press, China, 1994.
So, the Matsushita-sponsored research team's 1-in-7,000 reduction in gravity is hardly cause for great
celebration, but it obviously shows us that a fundamental principle is at work that cannot be ignored, and
which flies squarely in the face of currently accepted models of physics. [
Thankfully, in Dr. Bruce DePalma's
Force Machine,
an antigravity effect much higher than 1-in-7,000 was
produced, though you would never know it from consulting the mainstream media. In DePalma's device, two
gyroscopes were mounted side-by-side within a cylinder, (see next image,) spinning in opposite
directions to each other- one clockwise and the other counterclockwise. Both gyroscopes (here referred to as
) were in the same position, with the bottom of their axles pointing straight downward and the top of
their axles straight upward.
The cylinder that held these gyroscopes in place was then also made to rotate from its side, causing the axles
of the gyroscopes to continually rotate end-over-end in the vertical plane like spokes in a spinning wheel.
Since the inertial forces generated by the gyroscopes cause them to naturally
resist being moved out of
even more aetheric energy could be harnessed by forcing them to do so. And as we said in the last
chapter, defying gravity is as simple as gathering some of the downward-streaming aetheric energy and
redirecting it off to the side, like the bending of a hose. This redirection can be accomplished by
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6 - Gravity, Magnetism and Rotation: The Missing Link
Dr. DePalma’s "Force" machine would initially weigh 276 lbs. before being activated. The gyroscopes would
be driven in counter-rotating directions at 7600 rpm each, and then the entire cylinder would be rotated or
at 4 revolutions per second. (See the “Precession” section below.) Any movement faster than this
would create internal forces great enough to fracture the support axles for the gyroscopes, which would
destroy the machine. Once the Force Machine was running at this speed, it would repeatedly show 4-6 lbs. of
weight loss! This gravity reduction is approximately
100 times more powerful
than what was seen in the
Japanese experiment cited above. DePalma went on to suggest further design enhancements that would create
even more weight loss, such as mounting both counter-rotating gyroscopes on the same axle, thus increasing
the strength of the unit and enabling it to precess, or rotate, more quickly. Furthermore, we must not forget
this same machine can generate "free energy" just like the "Sunburst" N-Machine in the last chapter,
simply by setting electrical contacts to the inner and outer edges of the discs on each gyroscope. So the
redirecting of aetheric gravitational force
aetheric electromagnetic force are both accomplished through
the same means;
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6 - Gravity, Magnetism and Rotation: The Missing Link
There are indeed many scientists who have approached similar situations as did DePalma, incorporating the
anomalous forces of the gyroscope to be used as a method to negate some of the forces of gravity. Although
none of the gyroscope-based machines experience a
weight loss, one researcher by the name of
Geoff Russell was able to create such a device
"weighing 22lb, which was able to consistently register weight
loss or vertical lift pulses of 20lb, give or take the odd oz"
. This and scores of other similar machines,
complete with Adobe Acrobat files of their patents, are all located on the
"Gyroscopes as Propulsion
website of Glenn Turner, listed below, which is filled with very useful pictures and information for
those who are more interested. Another similar gravity-reducing machine was patented by Sandy Kidd, and
this is mentioned on Turner's website as well as in an article by Dr. Harold Aspden that we have linked to
In order for all the above machines to work, another aspect of a gyroscope's behavior is utilized. A gyroscope
will not only resist being moved out of its vertical position, it will also
generate force
as it attempts to travel
in large, circular patterns. These patterns are most easily seen with a spinning top. As the top begins losing its
energy, it never simply spirals straight down in the same direction that it was originally spinning; as it
destabilizes, it will always begin slowly rotating or
in a
slow, even circle
that is in the
to its normal spinning motion.
These circular patterns are known as "precessional" motions, and
they are another aspect of a gyroscope's movement that will occur either in air or in a vacuum and can be used
to overcome gravity. So whereas the simple inertia in a gyroscope makes it only
resist being moved,
precessional forces actually
create motion.
And this motion is a definite "Force" that can be engineered, as
gravity does not have an effect upon it!
Machines such as those built by DePalma and Sandy Kidd position the gyroscopes in such a fashion that their
natural "precessional" motion is forced to
be able to travel in
one direction.
If this direction is
the force of gravity, then the force of gravity is reduced! Below, we have a five-phase diagram co-opted from
Glenn Turner
's website that shows us a popular method of how this works, where the sequence of motions
goes left to right, top to bottom.
We can see how the gyroscopes naturally attempt to precess upwards, and then are stopped at a certain point
and forced to go back down. This effect is caused by the fact that the central axle that holds the two
gyroscopes is
In other words, to truly see this in action you must see that the two gyroscopes are
whirling around their center axle in giant circles. This creates
centrifugal force
that presses out from the
center. When the gyroscopes move upwards as far as they can go and bump into the metal spool, that same
force then pushes them back down.
As we said, the centrifugal force is easily seen by whirling a bucket of water around you in giant circles; if
you do it fast enough, no water will spill onto you. And thus, through the clever manipulation of precession
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6 - Gravity, Magnetism and Rotation: The Missing Link
and centrifugal forces, this simple design does indeed counteract the force of gravity! In some ways it could
even be thought of as the anti-gravity equivalent to the flapping of wings. Each stroke of the gyroscopes
produces an additional burst of lifting power. The next image below is of an actual working prototype from
Sandy Kidd that utilizes these concepts – a machine that produces a measurable lessening of its weight when
One of Sandy Kidd's gravity-reducing gyroscopic devices.
So, it appears that with the rotating and precessional motions of the gyroscope alone, we can create significant
weight loss. We must remember that this weight loss is caused by the fact that the aether is constantly
out of
all matter in order to create its existence moment by moment. As we said, this
streaming movement is the very conscious lifeblood of the Oneness, referred to as the “Breath of the Divine.”
By rotating an object, such as DePalma did in his
Spinning Ball Drop
experiment, the object can gather
greater amounts of aetheric energy, which we compared to a sponge soaking up water in the last chapter. And
in the above cases, effects that are very close to anti-gravity are being discovered and patented, so that
whenever society finally realizes that such devices work, these inventors will be able to get the credit that
they deserve! As the prototypes stand right now, they could be used for land travel, such as in an automobile
design, or space travel. Since the machines can generate a force in whatever direction you point them, they
will work much better in the "vacuum" of empty space, since they would not have any gravity to resist their
motion through the aether.
Even the mainstream world was privy to a demonstration of how the force of gravitation could be overcome –
a story that actually broke into the worldwide media and attracted some attention. This recent discovery was
set forth by Dr. Eugene Podkletnov from Finland. We are including it here because it is a perfect segue’ into
the point of this chapter, which is to show that when the effects of magnetism and rotation are combined
gravitational effects can be observed. Of course, very soon after this research was released to the
public, a cadre of well-paid “debunkers” with extensive media coverage and advanced degrees rushed in to
attack, de-legitimize, ridicule, threaten and effectively destroy this team’s work. Since most of the world
public assumes that these are the “authorities,” they don’t realize that there are definite, urgent political
motivations that fuel these sudden outbursts.
The global elite do not want these technologies developed
they want complete control of the process every step of the way. The entire debacle created
such totally unexpected trauma to the group that
they completely dissolved their project,
even though it was
easily replicable, scientific fact. Anyone who wants to make breakthroughs in these areas should expect such
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