The Wheel of Life by Kirpal Singh, duchowo

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The Wheel of Life - Title Page
The Law of Action and Reaction
- Kirpal Singh
--no copyright--
First Edition, 1965
Second Edition, 1967: 2000 copies
Third Edition, 1971: 2200 copies
Later republished with "The Mystery of Death" as one volume
Dedicated to the Almighty God
working through all Masters Who have come
  The Wheel of Life - Title Page
and Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj
at whose Lotus Feet
the author imbibed sweet Elixir of Holy Naam - the
The Wheel of Life : The Law of Action and Reaction
: True Living
or Diet
or Social Conduct
: Life of Self-Surrender
of Foreign Terms and Names
Everything in the Universe is the fruit of a Just Law,
The Wheel of Life - Title Page
the Law of Causality, the Law of Cause and Effect,
the Law of Karma.
Gautama Buddha
- regarding this web published edition
This website's
The Wheel of Life - Chapter I
The Wheel of Life
- the law of action and reaction
Table of Contents
Chapter: I
Be not deceived;
God is not mocked:
for whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall he also reap.
Galatians VI: 7
Confronted with the complexities of earth-bound life, man struggles for a Way-
out. Wherever he turns, he finds his upward flight thwarted by unseen barriers.
Why all the seeming inequalities in the world? Why is man's way blocked to his
primal Home - the Home of his Heavenly Father? Why cannot man redeem his
unknown past? Where should he turn for the saving Light of the "Pure Science of
Being?" These queries lead the inquiring mind to an investigation of the universal
law of action and reaction.
The term "Karma" frequently appears in various Indian philosophical and
religious writings. Indeed, it has been so often bandied about by priests and
preachers that many have come to consider it as an imaginary stumbling block in
 The Wheel of Life - Chapter I
the path of spiritual salvation. Being a term foreign to the West, usually it is
passed on without sufficient clarification. All the Masters of the lower reaches or
grades of ascent, speak of liberation through performing action without
attachment to and desire for the fruit or result thereof. This, however, is but a
partial truth and half-way knowledge.
The mind is accustomed to taste the fruit of its actions. How will it give up this
(i.e. mental and physical exercises) may be employed as
instruments to discipline the mind to a certain extent. But in the long run, the
mind's habit of enjoying its experiences will assert itself. The mind can give up
worldly pleasures only when it gets some kind of higher pleasure.
The Saints have experienced a far more exquisite pleasure - ecstatic bliss - by
contact with
(the Word of God or the Divine Sound Principle). Once
absorbed in this Sound Current or
, the mind is drawn away from the world.
The mind has the habit of running after worldly objects and of jumping from one
thing to another. What we have to do, then, is not to stop its flux which is but its
natural characteristic, but only to turn its direction from downwards into the
world outside to upwards into the world within. This means harnessing the
wandering wits and channelling the mental energy into a proper course as would
ensure results that are of a lasting and permanent nature. This comes through
regular practice or absorption in
. This is the only method by which the
mind may gradually be trained and ultimately rendered innocuous with
sublimation of the mental currents; the soul comes to its own and can proceed
unencumbered and unhampered on its way to its original source: the Oversoul or
the All-soul. Thus the Saints Who have Themselves trodden this Path - the Path
(absorption in the Holy Word or the Sacred Sound) - can
also not only enable us to free ourselves from the Karmic cycle of action and
reaction but also provide us an access into the Kingdom of God which lies within.
Now the question arises: How can the Karmas be wound up or rendered
ineffective? In the labyrinth of the laws of Nature, in which we are inextricably
involved, there is an outlet provided for those who are really in search of Self-
knowledge and God-knowledge. The access to this outlet or the Way-out of the
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